Subpart HH. Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Q98. The landfill industry uses a portable meter that uses an IR method to determine methane and carbon dioxide concentrations. Has the EPA determined if these units are acceptable and comply with the accuracy required by the rule?
- Q100. When does moisture content need to be corrected for in Equation HH-4?
- Q102. What models are acceptable for performing the calculations in subpart HH?
- Q103. How should inert wastes be accounted for in Equation HH-1?
- Q104. The methods listed in section 98.344 are not applicable to my monitor, how should I calibrate?
- Q105. What is the definition of a facility as it relates to landfills and landfill gas to energy (LFGTE) plants?
- Q106. We do not have any records or receipts for the waste quantities that were placed in our landfill before 2000, how do we estimate historic waste quantities before that year?
- Q107. If an MSW landfill has a dedicated area which receives waste other than MSW, may this area be excluded from the rule requirements?
- Q108. If an MSW landfill is later remediated as a hazardous waste landfill, does it need to comply with the rule?
- Q109. If I use a flame ionization detector (FID) or an infrared (IR) monitor, am I required to determine an annual non-methane organic correction factor?
- Q111. Do landfills have to report the biogenic CO2 that is included in LFG emissions and the CO2 that is emitted from flares?
- Q113. If all of our landfill gas gets piped off-site to another facility, what do we need to report?
- Q114. Can an alternate oxidation factor, other than 10% be used in the calculations?
- Q116. Do passive flares count as gas collection systems? Do the landfills with flares have to monitor for landfill gas and methane concentration?
- Q119. Are annubars or v-cone flowmeters acceptable for compliance with the rule requirements?
- Q117. Does EPA's definition of treatment equipment include moisture knockout and blower systems? Is it acceptable to EPA for the flow meter to be placed after the moisture knockout and blower or is it required to be placed before these items?
- Q120. Is weekly monitoring of both gas flow and methane concentration allowed?
- Q121. The applicability tool refers to a 350,000 waste-in-place threshold. Is reporting required if the total waste-in-place is less than 350,000 tons?
- Q122. Can a landfill ever stop reporting under the rule?
- Q150. Are scales required for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills?
- Q151. Must every container or vehicle be weighed coming in and going out of the landfill?
- Q141. My site has a gas collection system. Which equations do I need to use to determine my methane generation and methane emissions for subpart HH?
- Q153. Does EPA accept thermal flow meters for measuring volumetric flow rate of LFGs?
- Q154. What additional considerations are necessary when using a mass flow meter for landfill gas?
- Q280. I have a landfill gas powered engine located at a landfill that must report under subpart HH. Under which subpart am I required to report combustion emissions for the engine? What about for a flare located at the landfill?
- Q281. I don't see landfill gas listed in Table C-1, is a there a default high heating value or emission factor I am required to use for landfill gas when calculating emissions for subpart C?
- Q347. What is meant by manufacturer of gas collection system?
- Q349. My facility has a gas collection system and some gas is sent off-site while the rest is consumed on-site. How should I report this in e-GGRT?
- Q350. What if I have more than one landfill or more than one cell at my facility, one is closed, one is open, and each has a different waste content?
- Q352. What are definitions of wet and dry gas in subpart HH?
- Q353. If a LFG flow meter malfunctions and is out for service for a week or two, are we required to have a backup meter or can we use the estimating missing data provisions...
- Q354. Do the emission formulas differ from those used in LandGEM?
- Q355. Do we have to use the quantity of waste disposed of for every year since 1960 to calculate the modeled CH4 generation rate?
- Q357. A site has 3 cells. Cells 1 and 2 have active LFG collection systems and cell 3 does not, how do we proceed?
- Q358. If we have an MSW landfill with other types of landfills (e.g., a C&D portion) at our facility, do we have to count those other non-MSW landfill portions towards our methane generation?
- Q359. If the landfill accepts only incinerator ash (inert) and does not generate gas, should we consider reporting the quantities of ash?
- Q360. How do you address a landfill which may have portions of lined and unlined areas at the same landfill?
- Q361. I am required to provide the values of Equations HH-5 to HH-8. How are the waste depth data and surface area data used?
- Q362. How do we account for highly variable landfill designs with variable depths and different cover cross-sections under Subpart HH?
- Q744. Can a site receiving inert or construction and demolition (C&D) wastes in addition to bulk MSW use the "material specific modeling approach" for the inert or C&D wastes and then use the bulk waste DOC value of 0.20 for the MSW?
- Q745. A portion of my landfill is covered with a geomembrane, but e-GGRT does not include that as a choice when asking about the type of cover material used. What should I select? Are there definitions for the types of cover materials?
- Q746. What is the best way to determine the surface area of my landfill if there is significant surface topography?
- Q748. What is meant by landfill capacity?
- Q361. I am required to provide the values of Equations HH-5 to HH-8. How are the waste depth data used?
- Q755. How are data reported in the previous reporting year carried over into the current year reports?
- Q779. How do I calculate the collection efficiency for a site where extraction wells were installed in only one third of the landfill but had additional wells installed to cover the entire landfill during the second half of the year?
- Q389. Within e-GGRT, how would a landfill handle multiple destruction devices including a portion of the gas sent off-site for destruction? Is there a way to add multiple on-site destruction devices for a gas system?
- Q781. Is there an operational hour threshold when calculating fDest for startup operations of a destruction device?
- Q743. My site has a gas collection system that did not operate at all during the reporting year, but did operate in prior reporting years. Which equations should I use to calculate my methane generation and GHG emissions for the current reporting year?
- Q782. What does the majority of the landfill refer to when determining which oxidation fraction to use in Table HH-4?
- Q783. My facility has more than one landfill gas collection system and the operating hours for the systems are not the same. How should we report the annual operating hours for multiple landfill gas collection systems?
- Q785. When can I use a collection efficiency (CE) of 75% from Table HH-3?
- Q786. How should I report substitute data for the annual volume of landfill gas collected and/or the annual average methane concentration of the landfill gas collected?
- Q348. What if two methods are used to estimate waste disposal quantities in a single year? How does a reporter indicate that in e-GGRT?
- Q356. How far back in the past do we answer questions about the facility? How do we handle unknown information when the site was owned by someone prior?
- Q784. For a facility with two landfills with separate gas collection systems and destruction devices, can I calculate a collection efficiency (CE) for each landfill gas collection and control system, or does the CE have to represent the entire facility?
- Q855. How does a user create fDest in e-GGRT such that it appears on the page "LANDFILL GAS MEASURMENT LOCATIONS" with the user's desired fractional value?
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