Subpart A. General Provisions
- Q7. Which greenhouse gases (GHGs) are covered under the rule?
- Q10. What is the definition of a "facility"?
- Q13. Can you please describe what constitutes a facility? For example, if a hospital has four buildings, does the rulemaking pertain to the four buildings as a composite, or to each individually?
- Q20. Does the rule apply to U.S. Territories?
- Q21. How did EPA develop the general threshold of 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e) per year?
- Q22. How much is 25,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (mtCO2e)?
- Q23. Who is required to report to the GHGRP?
- Q26. Is there a simple way for facilities with stationary fuel combustion units to determine if they will be required to report?
- Q28. Are individual car or truck owners required to report?
- Q29. Are owners of commercial buildings required to report?
- Q30. Are federal, state, or local facilities required to report emissions?
- Q35. How is the reporting of ethanol production and or biogenic emissions being handled in the rule?
- Q36. The applicability tool says I need to report, but I don't think the tool is right.
- Q37. Is applicability based on actual emissions or potential emissions?
- Q42. How are emissions data verified?
- Q43. Does EPA provide training for reporters?
- Q45. If facility intends to obtain fuel usage data from utility bills, but its utility bills reflect fuel usage through middle of the month, how does EPA recommend a facility estimate fuel use for the calendar year? Is it acceptable to pro-rate fuel use?
- Q50. When are reporters required to complete their GHG Monitoring Plan?
- Q51. What representative of a reporting facility is in charge of reporting? Is it the operator or facility owner? Can a third party be hired to report on behalf of the reporting facility?
- Q56. How is this reporting rule different from the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks report (Inventory)?
- Q110. If two entities share a Title V permit would that preclude them from reporting separately even if there is no common ownership or control?
- Q126. If a campus is divided by several blocks of property not owned by the entity - can that area be defined as a facility by itself?
- Q127. If a campus is divided by a non-owned body of water (e.g., a river), does that create two distinct facilities?
- Q129. I leased space within my definition of "facility", if I do not track fuel use for that space, do I have to include it in my report?
- Q130. I have space which I own, but lease to a third party within my "facility" and the tenant pays the utilities, do I have to include that building space?
- Q132. Provide one or two specific examples of what would be acceptable to EPA under ยง98.3(g)(5)( i )(B), "Explanation of processes and methods used to collect the necessary data for the GHG calculations".
- Q142. In the event fuel volume is based on third-party fuel billing meters that meet the exemption in 98.3(i)4, what are the record keeping requirements?
- Q179. Section 98.4(b) states the designated representative shall be an individual selected by an agreement binding on the owner or operator of the facility. What constitutes the "agreement"?
- Q284. The definition of "owner" and "operator" under 98.6 refers to a "person." Is a person only a single individual?
- Q299. What does EPA mean by the term "sequential or simultaneous" in the definition of co-generation?
- Q388. Who must submit requests and one-time reports to EPA under Part 98?
- Q420. Will EPA be specifying an electronic submission format for facilities needing to notify EPA of delayed 2012 reporting under 98.3(b)(1)?
- Q448. When must I submit my annual GHG report?
- Q450. Can I use BAMMs beyond December 31, 2011 for subparts I, L and W?
- Q451. What are the flow meter calibration requirements?
- Q455. Will EPA provide a template for the monitoring plans and review plans?
- Q637. What should I do if my facility ceased operations?
- Q703. What must I do if EPA notifies me of a potential substantive error in an annual GHG report?
- Q759. My facility does not have a physical street address thus, a latitude and longitude is reported as the address on the COR. If the facility's operations have moved do I need to update the facility's latitude and longitude on the COR?
- Q811. A GHGRP facility is being sold by my company to another company. My company does not want to be responsible for monitoring GHG data or submitting annual reports after the sale. What should we do?
- Q823. Who is eligible to discontinue complying with the GHGRP using the "offramp"?
- Q824. What must I do if I discover a substantive error in an annual GHG report?
- Q830. Will the change to the missing data provisions in Subpart A of the December 9, 2016 rule greatly increase reporting burden?
- Q847. What should I do if my facility merged into another facility?
- Q758. My facility does not have a physical street address. How do I report my latitude and longitude to EPA?
- Q808. My facility has had ownership changes occur in the past few years. Who is responsible for reporting inputs to emissions equations that were deferred from reporting until 2015 for previous years?
- Q862. How is parent company information for subpart W facilities related to Waste Emissions Charge rule implementation?
- Q863. How is owner(s) and operator(s) information for subpart W facilities related to Waste Emissions Charge rule implementation?
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