About the Inputs Verifier Tool

Users enter inputs to equations data on the Inputs Verifier Tool (IVT) web forms. The IVT uses these inputs to equations to calculate emissions for a facility. The IVT also uses these inputs to perform verification checks, which are summarized in the Inputs Verification Summary. e-GGRT only saves the emissions results and the Inputs Verification Summary.  e-GGRT does not save the inputs to the equations nor are the inputs to equations reported to the EPA.

The diagram below shows that some data entered in e-GGRT is stored by EPA while other data is only stored locally on the user’s machine when the user exports and saves the inputs file.

The diagram below shows the high-level workflow within the IVT. More detail is available on this page: Entering Inputs and Saving Them Locally.

In addition to the web forms reporting method, the XML reporting method is also supported by e-GGRT. For more information, please refer to: Uploading XML submissions with an XML IVT File.

For additional information on common or important steps processes you will encounter while testing IVT please refer to the following help topics:

If you have questions or concerns regarding the e-GGRT application or any of its supporting materials (i.e., help content, reporting forms, calculation spreadsheets, etc.) please contact the GHGRP Help Desk.

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2024.R.01)