Reviewing and Commenting on IVT Verification Results


From the Annual Report Review page you have several options for reviewing your annual and verification reports as outlined in Submitting Your Annual Report With IVT Results Included.  Prior to submitting your report, e-GGRT allows you to offer comments or explanations regarding any verification messages generated by the Inputs Verifier Tool.  You are not required to provide comments regarding each issue however these comments may help EPA better understand the circumstances that led to the issue and may reduced the number of questions the EPA verifier must ask later.

Click image to expand

Once you open the Verification Review page, you will find a link under each issue "Optional Comments to EPA".  Click this link to open a text entry window for each issues.

Click image to expand

Enter any comments you wish to include in the Text box.

Click image to expand


After entering your comments you may click "SAVE" to save but remain on this page, "SAVE and CERTIFY" to save and move to the certification page, or "CANCEL" to return to the Submission Review page.


Next Topic: Uploading XML submissions with an XML IVT File



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