Subpart X Process Unit Summary Information for All Reporting Years

This topic provides a step-by-step description of how to enter Subpart X petrochemical production unit summary information about this facility.

Adding a Petrochemical Process Unit for this Facility

After registering your facility (see the Facility Registration section at Registration Instructions), enter information for subpart X process units by following the steps below. Note that steps 3 and 4 may be omitted if you added subpart X while previously using eGGRT.

  • Step 1. Click on the DATA REPORTING tab after you login. This action opens the "DR-facility-select" screen.
  • Step 2. Click on the blue OPEN button in the row that contains the name of your facility. This action takes you to the "DR-facility-overview" screen.
  • Step 3. Under the Report Data table, click on the "+ADD or REMOVE subparts" link. This action takes you to the "DR-facility-subparts" screen.
  • Step 4. Click on the box next to "X-Petrochemical Production" (and the boxes for any other applicable subparts for your facility) and then click SAVE at the bottom of the screen. This action takes you back to the "DR-facility-overview" screen.
  • Step 5. Click on the blue OPEN button on the row for "Subpart X – Petrochemical Production" in the Report Data table. This action takes you to the "x-overview" screen as shown in the screenshot below

Click this link to expand

  • Step 6. Locate the PETROCHEMICAL PROCESS UNITS table on the "x-overview" page and click on the "+ADD a Process Unit" link. This action displays the "x-process-unit-1" screen as shown below.

Click this link to expand

Subpart X requires you to identify the type of GHG measurement methodology you use for the specific petrochemical process unit. The methodology options are:

  • CEMS (Note: you must use this option if all process vent emissions and emissions from all combustion configurations that burn process off-gas are exhausted through stacks that are monitored with CO2 CEMS (§98.243(b))
  • Mass Balance (§98.243(c))
  • Ethylene (Note: this option may be selected only for ethylene process units) (§98.243(d))

After making your selection, click NEXT.

Uniquely Identify the Process Unit (see also About Unique Names)

Clicking NEXT on the “x-process-unit-1” screen takes you to one of three screens depending on the methodology selected. Regardless of the selected methodology, subpart X requires you to provide the following information about the process unit:

  • Name or ID for the petrochemical process (Note that you may also provide a more detailed description of the process to supplement the name or ID)
  • Petrochemical produced (methanol, carbon black, acrylonitrile, ethylene dichloride, ethylene oxide, or ethylene)
  • Annual amount of the petrochemical produced (in metric tons)

The screen shots below show this information for the CEMS methodology and the Mass Balance methodology. The screen shot for the Optional Ethylene methodology is essentially the same as that for the CEMS methodology, except that the Type of Petrochemical Produced data entry box is set to Ethylene and cannot be changed, and that the Ethylene Methodology radio button is checked at the bottom of the page.

CEMS Methodology Screen

Click this link to expand

Mass Methodology Screen

Click this link to expand

Process Unit Information for Mass Balance Option Reporting Only

Subpart X also collects the following additional information for the mass balance option (note that reporting some of this information is optional, as specified in 98.246(a)(10) of subpart X):

  • Petrochemical Produced
    • Type of Petrochemical Produced
    • Annual Quantity of the Petrochemical Produced 
  • Wastewater (Optional Questions)
    • Total Annual Flow of Wastewater
    • Unit of Measure for Total Annual Flow of Wastewater (kg or gal)
    • Annual Average Carbon Content of the Wastewater (decimal fraction)
  • Released Carbon (Optional Reporting Requirements) 
    • Annual Mass of Carbon Released in Fugitive Emissions Not Controlled with a Combustion Device (in metric tons)
    • Annual Mass of Carbon Released in Process Vents Not Controlled with a Combustion Device (in metric tons)
  • Combustion Configurations
    • Identify each Combustion Configuration that Burned Both Process Off-Gas from the Petrochemical Process Unit and Supplemental Fuel (including combustion configurations that are not part of the petrochemical process unit) by Providing the Name/Identifier of Those Units as Reported under Subpart C (Note that for these configurations you must report the GHG emissions from the combustion of the supplemental fuel under subpart C). If there are no such combustion configurations, please type in "none".

* For RY2019 and prior years, if the facility selects Ethylene dichloride, users must also indicate if production is a(n):

  •  Stand-alone EDC process;
    • Annual quantity of the petrochemical produced (metric tons) is an optional entry.
  •  Integrated EDC/VCM Process;
    • Annual quantity of the intermediate Ethylene dichloride produces is an optional entry.  

When you have entered the required information, click SAVE. This action will take you back to the "x-overview" screen.

Modifying Summary Information for a Petrochemical Process Unit

To modify existing Subpart X Process Unit Summary Information for this Facility, locate either the PETROCHEMICAL PROCESS UNITS table or the PETROCHEMICAL PROCESS UNITS (Units monitored by CEMS) table on the Subpart X Overview screen and click on the desired Name or ID in the left-most column in the applicable table.

Click this link to expand

Deleting a Petrochemical Process Unit

To delete an existing Subpart X Process Unit Summary Information for this Facility, locate the PETROCHEMICAL PROCESS UNITS table or the PETROCHEMICAL PROCESS UNITS (Units monitored by CEMS) table on the Subpart X Overview screen by Name or ID and click the red “X” icon in the Delete column. Note that this action also deletes any details about the process unit that you provided on subsequent data entry screens.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart X Report for RY2014 and Later
Subpart X Process Unit Summary Information for All Reporting Years
Subpart X MASS BALANCE Option Reporting for RY2014 and Later
Subpart X Entering MASS BALANCE Equation Inputs Using IVT
Subpart X ETHYLENE Option Reporting for All Reporting Years
Subpart X CEMS Option Reporting for All Reporting Years
Subpart X IVT Equation Inputs Summary
Subpart Validation Report

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