Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart K Report

Subpart K consists of facilities that use pyrometallurgical techniques to produce any of the following metals: ferrochromium, ferromanganese, ferromolybdenum, ferronickel, ferrosilicon, ferrotitanium, ferrotungsten, ferrovanadium, silicomanganese, or silicon metal.

This page provides an overview of subtopics that are central to Subpart K reporting. This information is entered from the e-GGRT Subpart K Overview web form shown below. Each topic represents a key web form(s) you where you need to enter information:

Click image to expand

The end of the page provides links you can use for more detailed information and instructions on entering required information related to each of these topics.

Subpart K Summary Information for this Facility

Subpart K requires you to report the following data about your facility:
  • The annual facility ferroalloy product production capacity (this value must be entered into e-GGRT, in short tons)
  • Number of electric arc furnaces reported (this value is calculated by e-GGRT)

Subpart K Furnace Information

The required electric arc furnace (EAF) information and the forms associated with required EAF information is entered into e-GGRT are different for EAFs that are monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) and EAFs that are NOT monitored by a CEMS.

As a result, separate help content has been created in this subpart for entering EAF information for EAFs monitored by CEMS and EAFs NOT monitored by CEMS.

For each EAF NOT monitored by CEMS at your facility, Subpart K requires you to report the following information:

  • A unique name or identifier, plus optional description for this EAF (see also About Unique Unit Names)
  • The following data for each input and output associated with the EAF:
    • A unique name or identifier
    • The general type of input or output

For each EAF monitored by CEMS at your facility, Subpart K requires you to report a unique name or identifier, plus optional description for the EAF (see also About Unique Unit Names).

Subpart K Emissions Information

The required emissions information and the manner by which required emissions information is entered into e-GGRT is different for EAFs that are monitored by a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) and EAFs that are NOT monitored by a CEMS.

As a result, separate help content has been created in this subpart for entering emissions information for EAFs monitored by CEMS and EAFs NOT monitored by CEMS.

For each EAF that is NOT monitored by CEMS at your facility, Subpart K requires the following emissions information:

  • The annual CO2 process emissions (the output of Equation K-1, in metric tons)
  • For each EAF used for the production of a ferroalloy listed in Table K-1, the annual CH4 process emissions (the output of Equation K-3, in metric tons)*
  • For each Input and Output assigned to an electric arc furnace, Subpart K collects the following data:
    • The method used to determine carbon content (Provided by supplier, ASTM E1941-04, ASTM D5373-08, or ASTM C25-06)
    • An indication if a missing data procedure was used or analysis was repeated to determine carbon content
    • The procedure used to develop substitute data for monthly mass, if applicable (Purchase records or Other)
    • The number of months that missing data procedures were followed to determine monthly mass

*Note, reporting of CH4 process emissions is only required for ferroalloy types listed in Table K-1. If you do not produce a ferroalloy type listed in this table, enter "0" for your emissions.

For each CEMS Monitoring Location, provide the following information:

  • A unique unit name or identifier for the CML (see also About Unique Unit Names)
  • An optional description or label for the CML
  • The configuration of processes or process units that are monitored by the CML:
    • Single process or process unit that exhausts to a dedicated stack
    • Multiple processes or process units that share a common stack
    • Process or process unit that shares a common stack with one or more stationary fuel combustion units
  • The name of each fuel combusted in the unit(s) monitored by the CEMS
  • The Tier 4/CEMS methodology start and end dates
  • The cumulative total of hourly CO2 mass emissions for each quarter of the reporting year (metric tons) (Do not cumulate emissions data between quarters)
  • The total annual CO2 mass emissions measured by the CEMS (metric tons)
  • An indication whether emissions reported for the CEMS include emissions calculated according to 98.33(a)(4)(viii) for a slipstream that bypassed the CEMS
  • The total annual biogenic CO2 emissions from the combustion of all biomass fuels combined (metric tons) (if not applicable, enter '0')
  • The total annual non-biogenic CO2 emissions which includes fossil fuel, sorbent, and process CO2 emissions (metric tons)
  • The total annual CH4 and N2O emissions associated with the combustion of all Table C-2 fuels combusted in all processes/process units monitored by the CEMS derived from application of Equation C-10 (metric tons) (if there are no combustion emissions in this CML, please enter '0')
  • The total number of source operating hours in the reporting year
  • The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for the CO2 concentration parameter
  • The total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for the stack gas flow rate parameter
  • If moisture correction is required and a continuous moisture monitor is used, the total operating hours in which a substitute data value was used in the emissions calculations for the stack gas moisture content parameter
  • An indication of the process units monitored by the CML

Subpart K Validation Report

The Validation Report assists you with determining the completeness and quality of your reported data.

We strongly encourage you to use the Validation Report to check your work. The Validation Report performs two types of checks:

  • Data Completeness: Data required for reporting that are missing or incomplete.
  • Data Quality: Data that are outside of the expected range of values.

Certain validation checks which are considered to represent critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate and submit your Annual Report. These checks are signified with a stop sign . If you feel that you have triggered one of these critical “stop signs” checks in error, or if there’s a reason why your report should be submitted despite the check being triggered, please submit a request to the e-GGRT Help Desk at

You may view the Validation Report at any time.

Note that the Validation Report is intended to assist users in entering data, but it is not an indication that the reporter has entered all necessary information, nor is it an indication that the reporter is in compliance with part 98. Furthermore, a negative finding on the validation report is not a guarantee that a data element was entered incorrectly. For more detail on the Validation Report and its functionality please review the Subpart Validation Report page.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Subpart K Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart K Furnace Information for Furnaces NOT Monitored by CEMS
Subpart K Furnace Information for Furnaces Monitored by CEMS
Subpart K Emissions Information for Furnaces NOT Monitored by CEMS
Subpart K Emissions Information for Furnaces Monitored by CEMS
Subpart Validation Report

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