This page provides step-by-step instructions to enter Subpart S summary and emissions information about your facility.
Adding or Updating Summary Facility and Emissions Information
To add or update Subpart S summary information for your facility, locate the SUBPART S SUMMARY INFORMATION FOR THIS FACILITY table on the Subpart S Overview page, and click OPEN.
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Subpart S requires you to report the following data about your facility:
- The total annual CO2 process emissions from all kilns combined (metric tons)
- Note, combustion CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from kilns NOT monitored by CEMS should be reported under Subpart C.
For assistance in calculating CO2 process emissions from all kilns, you have the option of using the Inputs Verifier Tool by clicking the link located below the red emissions data entry box titled "Use Inputs Verifier to calculate" then following the provided instructions.
Subpart S also requires you to report the following:
- The annual lime production capacity of your entire facility (short tons)
- An indication of whether CO2 was used on-site (i.e. for use in a purification process)
- If CO2 was used on-site, Subpart S also requires you to report the following information:
- The annual amount of CO2 captured for use in the on-site process (metric tons)
- The method used to determine the amount of CO2 captured
When you have entered the required information, click SAVE
If you don't have all the data, you can enter some now, save it, and finish it later
After you save the data on this page, the next time you open the page, the calculator on the top of the page will display the CO2 process emissions for your facility, rounded to the nearest 0.1 of a metric ton. The value displayed is for informational purposes only.
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See Also
Screen Errors
Subpart S Summary Facility and Emissions Information for RY2014 and Later
Subpart S Lime Product Information for RY2014 and Later
Subpart S Calcined-lime Byproduct or Waste Information for RY2014 and Later
Subpart Validation Report