This page provides step-by-step instructions on how to enter and edit Subpart GG Zinc Production facility level information
The first time you report using the e-GGRT Subpart GG webform, which was introduced for RY2013, the Subpart GG Overview screen will not reflect any kiln for furnace information. In subsequent reporting years, the kiln and furnace identification information you reported in the prior reporting year will be carried over from that report to reduce data entry burden. You need only to update this information to reflect any changes to your facility in the current reporting year.
The screen shown below is the Subpart GG overview in its initial state. Click on OPEN in the Facility Information table to initiate data entry.
Click this link to expand
Enter required information for the facility
For each process unit at your facility, report the following required information:
- Annual zinc production capacity
- Number of Waelz kilns used for zinc production
- Number of electrothermic furnaces used for zinc production
- For each zinc product produced (make sure the box is checked next to each Zinc Product).
- Zinc Product Name
- Annual Production of the Product
Click this link to expand
After you complete entering this data, click SAVE.
See Also
Screen Errors
Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart GG Report for RY2014 and Later
Subpart GG Facility Level Information for All Reporting Years
Subpart GG Kiln and Furnace Information for Units NOT Monitored by CEMS for All Reporting Years
Subpart GG Kiln and Furnace Information for Units Monitored by CEMS for All Reporting Years
Subpart GG Emissions Information for Kilns or Furnaces NOT Monitored by CEMS for RY2014 and Later
Subpart GG Entering Equation Inputs Using IVT
Subpart GG Emissions Information for Kilns or Furnaces Monitored by CEMS for All Reporting Years
Subpart Validation Report