GHG Data and Publication
- Subpart W - Data Publication
- Q405. What are the benefits of this data?
- Q406. What is the scope of this data?
- Q407. How does EPA review the data for accuracy?
- Q408. Should I be worried about a local facility's GHG emissions?
- Q409. In what year was each source category required to begin reporting?
- Q410. What can a facility do to reduce its GHG emissions?
- Q411. How is the GHG Reporting Program data different from the U.S. GHG Inventory?
- Q412. What do the quantities of GHG emissions mean in everyday terms?
- Q413. What percentage of total U.S. GHG emissions is covered in the GHG Reporting Program?
- Q414. How can I determine what percentage of total GHGs come from a particular sector since the GHG Reporting Program (GHGRP) does not cover 100% of U.S. emissions?
- Q415. EPA's Data Publication Tool shows a reporting facility nearby, but I don't see a factory or other facility that would emit large amounts of GHGs. Is that a mistake?
- Q422. Why does the reporting tool show dashes for some of the data?
- Q423. What is the difference between direct emitters, suppliers, and CO2 injection facilities?
- Q424. Why can't I view data from direct emitters and suppliers together?
- Q425. Can I obtain the raw GHG data?
- Q426. Will the GHG Reporting Program negate the need for the U.S GHG Inventory in the future?
- Q428. When will 2021 GHG data be finalized?
- Q430. The factory nearby isn't listed. Why not?
- Q431. Where can I get information on other emissions from these facilities (i.e., toxics, SO2, PM)?
- Q433. What is EPA's plan for incorporating the GHG Reporting Program data into the U.S. GHG Inventory?
- Q683. What do I do if I see an error in the data shown for a facility?
- Q720. How does EPA group the source categories that report GHG data into sectors in FLIGHT?
- Q721. For certain sectors, why is the GHG data not necessarily comparable between 2010 and subsequent reporting years?
- Q724. Why are emissions from petroleum and natural gas systems onshore production segment and gathering and boosting segment represented by geographic areas instead of individual point sources?
- Q725. How is an R&D project defined for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide (Subpart RR)?
- Q726. What are the reporting requirements for geologic sequestration research and development (R&D) projects under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program?
- Q727. Where do I download GHGRP data?
- Q728. Does EPA archive past versions of the GHGRP data set?
- Q741. Why did some facilities that have emissions below 25,000 metric tons CO2e submit a GHG report?
- Q742. How can I generate a list of facilities affiliated with a given parent company? What should I know before I use the parent company data?
- Q752. I recently re-submitted a GHG report. When will EPA update the publication materials to show my revised data?
- Q764: Why does FLIGHT show a smaller number of suppliers of petroleum products (Subpart MM) in 2010 and 2011 than subsequent years?
- Q771. What is the difference between the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission data reported by electric generating units (EGUs) to EPA's Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) under Part 75 and to EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program under Subpart D of Part 98?
- Q772. What are the differences in the universe of electricity generating units (EGUs) that report Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to EPA Part 75 Monitoring and to EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) under Part 98?
- Q798. When is a facility eligible to stop reporting?
- Q799. What are the global warming potentials (GWPs) used in publication of GHGRP data?
- Q800. What factors could have influenced greenhouse gas trends?
- Q802. Which facilities are given an orange facility symbol in FLIGHT?
- Q806. Why do trend lines in FLIGHT not include data reported in 2010?
- Q810. How do I turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer version 9 or later?
- Q814. How do I reference the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program in a manuscript?
- Q819. How are aggregate CO2 totals associated with supplied products determined for petroleum product producers and natural gas liquids fractionators?
- Q853. When was GHGRP (FLIGHT) data published in the past?
- Q854. How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact greenhouse gas emissions reported to EPA in 2020?
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