Subpart PP Product and Equipment Information

This topic provides a step-by-step description of how to enter Subpart PP Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide Product and Equipment Information for this Supplier.

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To add or update subpart PP Product and Equipment Information for this Supplier, locate the MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION table on the Subpart Overview page, and click OPEN.

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Subpart PP requires capture and extract facilities to report the following information at the facility level; importers and exporters must report the information at the corporate level:

  • If you capture a CO2 stream from an electricity generating unit that is subject to 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart D and transfer the CO2 to any facilities that are subject to 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart RR:
    • Report the facility identification number (GHGRPID) associated with the annual GHG report for the subpart D facility.
    • Report each facility identification number (GHGRPID) associated with the annual GHG reports for each subpart RR facility to which CO2 is transferred.
    • Report the annual quantity of CO2 in metric tons that is transferred to each subpart RR facility.
  • The type of equipment used to measure CO2 and the standard used to operate and calibrate the equipment
  • The aggregated annual quantity of CO2 transferred to each of the following end-use categories,
    • Food and beverage
    • Industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment
    • Metal fabrication, including welding and cutting
    • Greenhouse uses for plant growth
    • Fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides
    • Pulp and paper
    • Cleaning and solvent use
    • Fire fighting
    • Transportation and storage of explosives
    • Injection of CO2 for enhanced oil and natural gas recovery that is covered by 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart UU
    • Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide that is covered by 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart RR
    • Research and development
    • Other (If other, facilities must provide a short description of the use)
    • Unknown
  • The number of days in the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used to measure the following:
    • CO2 mass or volume
    • CO2 concentration
    • CO2 stream density

This information must be input to e-GGRT.

To add a type of equipment, click the link labeled “ADD a Type of Equipment” located below the TYPES OF EQUIPMENT USED TO MEASURE THE TOTAL FLOW OF THE CO2 STREAM table.

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Use the drop-down menu to select an equipment type and use the text box to enter the name of the standard used to operate and calibrate the equipment. If you select “other” as the equipment type, enter a description in the text box that appears to the right of the drop-down menu.

Ensure that the type of equipment you select in the equipment type drop-down menu corresponds to the calculation methodology you select and the measurement type you select for each flow meter or CO2 stream supplied in containers added. For example, if you select “flow meters with segregation” as your calculation methodology and add a flow meter on the Subpart Overview page with “mass basis” as measure type, then you should select “mass flow meter” from the equipment type drop-down menu.  For more examples, please refer to the table below.

Calculation Methodology:

Measurement Type:

Equipment Type

Flow meters with no segregation

Mass basis

Mass flow meter

Flow meters with no segregation

Volume basis

Volumetric flow meter

Flow meters with segregation

Mass basis

Mass flow meter

Flow meters with segregation

Volume basis

Volumetric flow meter

Streams that deliver CO2 to containers

Mass basis

Weigh bills, scale or load cell

Streams that deliver CO2 to containers

Volumetric basis

Loaded container volume

When finished, click SAVE.

Repeat this step until you have added all types of equipment you used to measure the total flow of CO2.

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Once all types of equipment used to measure the total flow of CO2 streams have been added to the table, use the text boxes to enter the aggregated annual quantity of CO2 transferred to each end-use category and the number of days in the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used to measure CO2 mass or volume, concentration, and stream density.

Enter a value in each text box. If no CO2 was transferred to one or more of the end-use categories, or if substitute data procedures were not used for one or more of the data elements, the value “0” must be entered in each applicable text box.

For importers and exporters, two end-use category tables are available. Importers and exporters should enter the quantities imported and/or exported to each end-use category using the applicable table.

In most cases, the total amount of CO2 transferred to end-use categories will be equivalent to the total CO2 supply displayed on the Subpart Overview page.

When finished, click SAVE.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart PP Report
Subpart PP Summary Information for this Supplier
Subpart PP Supply Information
Subpart Validation Report

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)