Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart PP Report

This page provides an overview of subtopics that are central to Subpart PP Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide reporting:

The end of the page contains links you can use for more information on these topics.

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Summary Information for this Supplier

Subpart PP requires you to report the following data about your facility or company:

  • The classification that describes your facility (or company in case of importers and exporters)
  • The calculation methodology used to estimate quantities of CO2

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Product and Equipment Information

Subpart PP requires capture and extract facilities to report the following information at the facility level; importers and exporters must report the information at the corporate level:

  • If you capture a CO2 stream from an electricity generating unit that is subject to 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart D and transfer the CO2 to any facilities that are subject to 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart RR:
    • Report the facility identification number (GHGRPID) associated with the annual GHG report for the subpart D facility.
    • Report each facility identification number (GHGRPID) associated with the annual GHG reports for each subpart RR facility to which CO2 is transferred.
    • Report the annual quantity of CO2 in metric tons that is transferred to each subpart RR facility.
  • The type of equipment used to measure CO2 and the standard used to operate and calibrate the equipment
  • The aggregated annual quantity of CO2 transferred to each of the following end-use categories,
    • Food and beverage
    • Industrial and municipal water/wastewater treatment
    • Metal fabrication, including welding and cutting
    • Greenhouse uses for plant growth
    • Fumigants (e.g., grain storage) and herbicides
    • Pulp and paper
    • Cleaning and solvent use
    • Fire fighting
    • Transportation and storage of explosives
    • Injection of CO2 for enhanced oil and natural gas recovery that is covered by 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart UU
    • Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide that is covered by 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart RR
    • Research and development
    • Other (If other, facilities must provide a short description of the use)
    • Unknown
  • The number of days in the reporting year for which substitute data procedures were used to measure the following:
    • CO2 mass or volume
    • CO2 concentration
    • CO2 stream density

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Supply Information

Capture facilities, extract facilities, importers, and exporters that use flow meters (regardless of segregation) must report the following information at the facility or corporate level:

  • Annual mass of CO2 for each flow meter (in metric tons)

e-GGRT will calculate this value based on inputs you provide for each individual flow meter. The following information is required for each individual flow meter:

  • If a mass flow meter is used to report CO2 supply:
    • A unique flow meter name or ID
    • Quarterly mass of each CO2 stream (in metric tons)
    • Quarterly concentration of each CO2 stream (in weight percent CO2) and the standard used to measure it
    • The location of the mass flow meter in the process chain
    • The percentage of the CO2 stream that is biomass-based
  • If a volumetric flow meter is used to report CO2 supply:
    • A unique flow meter name or ID
    • Quarterly volume of each CO2 stream (in standard cubic meters)
    • Quarterly CO2 concentration of each CO2 stream (in weight or volume percent CO2) and the standard used to measure it
    • Quarterly density (in metric tons per standard cubic meter)
      • if the CO2 concentration is measured in weight percent, provide the quarterly density of the CO2 stream and the standard used to measure it
      • if the CO2 concentration is measured in volume percent, the quarterly density of CO2 required by the rule will be displayed
    • The location of the volumetric flow meter in the process chain

Capture and extract facilities that supply CO2 in containers must report the following information at the facility level:

  • Annual mass of CO2 for each CO2 stream supplied in containers (in metric tons)

e-GGRT will calculate this value based on inputs you provide for each CO2 stream supplied in containers. The following information is required for each CO2 stream supplied in containers:

  • If mass is used to report CO2 supply:
    • A unique CO2 stream name or ID
    • Quarterly mass of each CO2 stream (in metric tons)
    • Quarterly concentration of each CO2 stream (in weight percent CO2) and the standard used to measure it
  • If volume is used to report CO2 supply:
    • A unique CO2 stream name or ID
    • Quarterly volume of each CO2 stream (in standard cubic meters)
    • Quarterly CO2 concentration of each CO2 stream (in weight or volume percent CO2) and the standard used to measure it
    • Quarterly density (in metric tons per standard cubic meter)
      • if the CO2 concentration is measured in volume percent, provide the quarterly density of the CO2 stream and the standard used to measure it
      • if the CO2 concentration is measured in weight percent, the quarterly density of CO2 required by the rule will be displayed

Importers and exporters that supply CO2 in containers must report the following information at the corporate level:

  • Annual mass of CO2 in all containers imported (in metric tons)
  • Annual mass of CO2 in all containers exported (in metric tons)

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Validation Report

The Validation Report assists you with determining the completeness and quality of your reported data.

We strongly encourage you to use the Validation Report to check your work. The Validation Report performs two types of checks:

  • Data Completeness: Data required for reporting that are missing or incomplete.
  • Data Quality: Data that are outside of the expected range of values.

Certain validation checks which are considered to represent critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate and submit your Annual Report. These checks are signified with a stop sign . If you feel that you have triggered one of these critical “stop signs” checks in error, or if there’s a reason why your report should be submitted despite the check being triggered, please submit a request to the e-GGRT Help Desk at

You may view the Validation Report at any time.

Note that the Validation Report is intended to assist users in entering data, but it is not an indication that the reporter has entered all necessary information, nor is it an indication that the reporter is in compliance with part 98. Furthermore, a negative finding on the validation report is not a guarantee that a data element was entered incorrectly. For more detail on the Validation Report and its functionality please review the Subpart Validation Report page.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Subpart PP Summary Information for this Supplier
Subpart PP Product and Equipment Information
Subpart PP Supply Information
Subpart Validation Report

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