Subpart FF - Destruction or Offsite Quarterly

Destruction or Offsite Quarterly

Please see Reporting Form Instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.

Table 8 Instructions: Fill out the following table for ventilation and degasification system destruction devices or points of offsite transport on a quarterly basis. Complete the table from top to bottom and left to right without skipping rows. All ventilation or degasification systems reported on Tab 7 should be included in the table below. The pick list in the first column of each table below links to a previous sheet, to restrict entry to previously entered destruction devices and points of offsite transport. The table below includes space for 600 rows. If more are needed, contact the GHG Help Desk.

  • Ventilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport Unit ID or Name
  • Quarter when the gas destruction took place Select from the picklist
  • Quarterly CH4 destroyed onsite
  • Quarterly CH4 transported offsite

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