Subpart D General Overview
This section provides a general overview of the data categories (including validation) that are central to Subpart D Electricity Generation reporting. The following data categories and their respective data are discussed:
- Unit Information
- Unit Emissions and Missing Data Information
- Fuel Information
- Fuel Emissions and Heat Input Information
- Subpart Validation Report
Note that the information provided below is for entering new data. In the event that existing information is already populated in eGGRT as a result of prior year carry-over, the procedure is nearly identical. Click on existing units, unit emissions information, fuel information, and fuel emissions information links in order to update with current reporting year data following the procedures below.
Unit Information
For each unit, stack, or pipe at your facility, enter the following information in the appropriately identified reporting field using the text boxes, drop-down menus, and radio buttons:
- A unique unit, stack, or pipe name or identifier (e.g., a unit ID number) as reported under 40 CFR 75.64 [98.36(d)(1)(i)]
- An optional unit or stack description or label [optional]
- The plant code associated with the combustion unit, if applicable [98.36(d)(1)(x), 98.36(d)(2)(ii)(J), and 98.36(d)(2)(iii)(J)]. Note that this field will not appear unless the reporter indicates in Subpart A that they will be reporting plant codes in Subpart D. A plant code is the Plant ID code assigned by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Energy Information Administration (EIA) and may also be referred to as the "ORIS code", "ORISPL code", "Facility ID", or "Facility code", among other names. If a plant code has not been assigned by DOE's EIA, then plant code means a code beginning with "88" assigned by EPA's Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) for electronic reporting. If you have more than one plant code to report for this configuration, separate each code with a comma. In most cases, the same plant code will apply to each reporting configuration at the facility. However, one facility reporting under the GHGRP may have multiple plant codes that apply to different configurations because of differences between the part 98 definition of "facility" and the conventions used by EIA to assign plant codes.
- The Part 75 methodology used to determine the CO2 mass emissions [98.36(d)(1)(v)]
- Appendix G, Equation G-1
- Appendix G, Equation G-4
- Low Mass Emissions (LME) (§75.19(c)(4)(iii))
- The methodology start date and end date [98.36(d)(1)(vi)-(vii)]
- An indication of participation in the Acid Rain Program [98.36(d)(1)(viii)]
Unit Emissions and Missing Data Information
For each unit, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following aggregated fuel emissions data: For each unit for which the facility selects "CEMS" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following additional information [98.3(c)(8)]: For each unit for which the facility selects "Appendix G, Equation G-1" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following additional information [98.3(c)(8)]: For each unit for which the facility selects "Appendix G, Equation G-4" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following additional information [98.3(c)(8)]: For each unit for which the facility selects "LME calculation methods in §75.19(c)(4)(iii)" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, no additional information is required.
Fuel Information
For each unit, subpart D requires the facility to report each type of fuel combusted in the configuration during the reporting year (for Table C-2 fuels only) [98.36(d)(1)(iii)].
Fuel Emissions and Heat Input Information
Subpart D requires the entry of the total heat input for each fuel type listed in Table C-2 combusted in each unit (except as otherwise provided in 98.33(c)(4)(ii)(B)) in units of mmBtu. Enter this value in the data entry field provided in the EQUATION C-10 SUMMARY AND RESULTS section. [98.36(d)(1)(iv)]
e-GGRT will calculate CH4 and N2O emissions from the total heat input entered using Equation C-10 and display the results under ANNUAL CH4 EMISSIONS and ANNUAL N2O EMISSIONS, respectively. Note that these values are not reporting requirements but rather are used to calculate the CO2e values of CH4 and N2O, which are reporting requirements [98.36(d)(1)(iii), 98.36(d)(2)(ii)(H), 98.36(d)(2)(iii)(H)]
Subpart Validation Report
The Validation Report assists you with determining the completeness and quality of your reported data. We strongly encourage you to use the Validation Report to check your work. The Validation Report performs two types of checks: Certain validation checks which are considered to represent critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate and submit your Annual Report. These checks are signified with a stop sign You may view the Validation Report at any time. Note that the Validation Report is intended to assist users in entering data, but it is not an indication that the reporter has entered all necessary information, nor is it an indication that the reporter is in compliance with part 98. Furthermore, a negative finding on the validation report is not a guarantee that a data element was entered incorrectly. For more detail on the Validation Report and its functionality please review the Subpart Validation Report page.
See Also
Screen Errors
Subpart D Unit Information
Subpart D Unit Emissions and Missing Data Information
Subpart D Fuel Information
Subpart D Fuel Emissions and Heat Input Information
Subpart Validation Report