Subpart D Fuel Information

This section describes how to enter subpart D Electricity Generation fuel information for a specific unit.  Note that fuel information should be entered for each unit at your facility. The process to edit existing fuel information is identical.

Adding or Updating Fuel Information for Each Unit

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Starting on the Subpart D Overview page, find the unit for which you would like to enter fuel information in the SOURCE SUMMARY table and click the OPEN button on the right side of the page that corresponds to the unit that will be edited.

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To add a fuel type for this configuration, click the “ADD a Fuel” link below the FUEL SPECIFIC CH4 AND N2O EMISSIONS INFORMATION table.  Additionally, existing fuels that are no longer used can be deleted by clicking the red X button on the right side of the page that corresponds to the fuel that will be deleted.

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For each unit, subpart D requires the facility to report each type of fuel combusted in the configuration during the reporting year (for Table C-2 fuels only) [98.36(d)(1)(iii)].

When finished, click SAVE. Repeat the above procedure for all fuels combusted at each unit at your facility. Once you have entered the required fuel information for all fuels at all Subpart D units at your facility, you will have finished the required fuel information for your facility.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart D Report
Subpart D Unit Information
Subpart D Unit Emissions and Missing Data Information
Subpart D Fuel Emissions and Heat Input Information
Subpart Validation Report

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