Subpart MM - Blended Products
This page provides an overview of the "Blended Products" tab on the Subpart MM reporting form.

Please see Reporting Form Instructions for instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.

The “Blended Products” tab is optional.  Refineries, exporters, and importers may choose to use the optional procedures for reporting blended products that do not contain biomass according to §98.393

There are TWO tables on this tab, the "Blended Products" table and the "Components of Blended Products" table. In the "Blended Products" table (first table), each row represents a single blended product.
In the "Components of Blended Products" table (second table), blending components are to be described for each blended product identified in the first table. The number of rows to be completed for each blended product stream in the second table corresponds to the number of blending components in the blended product.

Blended Products Table:

The following table provides instructions for reporting each data element in the "Blended Products" table:

Data Element


Is the product entering the facility or leaving the facility?

For refineries, select "In" if the product is entering the refinery or "Out" if the product is leaving the refinery. For importer/exporter facilities, select "Import" if the product is being imported or "Export" if the product is being exported.

Blended Product Name

Enter the name for the blended product.

Blended Product ID

Enter a unique identifier for each blended product.

Annual CO2 Quantity, (MT)

Enter annual CO2 emissions in metric tons (MT) that would result from complete combustion or oxidation of the blended product. (Not for individual blending components.) Do NOT include this quantity in the "Annual CO2 Quantity, MT" field in the “Aggregate Products” tab. Include this quantity in the "Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products" field in the “Total CO2 and Other Info" tab.

Total Number of Blending Components

Enter total number of blending components for the blended product.

"Components of Blended Products" Table:

Identify each blending component for a blended product in a separate row in the second table below. For example, if your blended product is comprised of three individual components, you will enter "3" under "Total Number of Blending Components" in the first table, and enter three different rows in the second table. Each of the three rows in the second table would have the same "Blended Product ID" identifier and would be labeled "Blending Component Number" "1", "2", and "3".

The following table provides instructions for reporting each data element in the "Components of Blended Products" table.

Data Element


Blended Product ID

Unique identifier for each blended product. Use the same IDs from the above table. This should match the Blended Product ID in the first table.

Blending Component Number

Unique identifier for each blending component, numbered sequentially. See instructions above the Components of Blended Products table on this page.

Blending Component Name Code

Select Product Name Code corresponding to products listed on Table MM-1 and Table MM-2. (Refer to "Tables MM-1 and MM-2".)

Blending Component Quantity Units of Measure

Select unit of measure for the product: barrels (BBL) or metric tons (MT)

Blending Component Quantity

Enter the quantity of the blending component in units specified. Include this quantity in the "Product Annual Quantity" field in the "Aggregate Products" tab.

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