Please see Reporting Form Instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.
You may also refer to Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions to download the Subpart II calculation spreadsheet.
1.) Fill out the anaerobic treatment process information table.
- Complete one table for each anaerobic reactor, deep lagoon, and shallow lagoon identified on tab 1. Introduction. Scroll down for additional tables as needed. Do not complete this table for any anaerobic sludge digesters identified on tab 1.
- Select the unique identifier for the process from the drop-down list. The next column will then automatically fill with the corresponding anaerobic process from tab 1. In addition, column F will fill in with whether this process uses COD or BOD5 measurements as indicated in tab 1.
- Select a week from the list (1 through 52), for each week the process was operated (please do not skip any rows).
- Enter the average weekly COD or BOD5 concentration of the wastewater entering the anaerobic treatment process for each week that the anaerobic process was operated.
- Indicate if any missing data procedures were used to determine the average concentration.
- Enter the weekly volume of wastewater entering the anaerobic treatment process for each week.
- Indicate if any missing data procedures were used to determine the weekly volume of wastewater.
- Use the drop-down menu to indicate whether you would like to report the calculated value (displayed in column to the left of this question), or an alternative value (to be entered in column to the right of this question) for BO. Initially, calculated values are selected for reporting by default. In the unlikely event the default value is not correct, alternative values entered in the next column must be from Table II-1 (located on Tab 7 for reference).
- Use the drop-down menu to indicate whether you would like to report the calculated value (displayed in column to the left of this question), or an alternative value (to be entered in column to the right of this question) for MCF, calculated values are selected for reporting by default. In the unlikely event the default value is not correct, alternative values entered in the next column must be from Table II-1 (located on Tab 7 for reference).
- The annual mass of CH4 generated will then be automatically calculated by the form using either equation II-1 or II-2.
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