Critical Validation Checks for Subpart FF

Certain validation checks which are considered critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate your submission package or upload your XML-based submission. These checks are presented to the reporter when they attempt to generate or regenerate their submission or after they attempt to upload an XML-based submission. These checks are signified with a stop sign in your validation report.   The table below provides a list of critical errors.   Additional technical information that may assist XML uploaders is also available at XML Upload Critical Errors.  If you feel that you have triggered one of these checks in error, or if there’s a reason why your report should be submitted despite the check being triggered, you may submit a request to the e-GGRT Help Desk at

ALL0001FFData QualityCAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide.
ALL0002FFData QualityLinear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide.
FF0001FFScreen ErrorGHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. This data element is located on tab 1, in column A2, and in row 30.
FF0001AFFData CompletenessYou have not uploaded a reporting form file.
FF0001BFFData CompletenessFilename %file_name included in the Subpart FF reporting form, 4. Ventilation Quarterly tab has not been uploaded. File names cited in the reporting form should include file extension type (e.g., .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .png, .txt, .csv, .accdb, .mdb). Please return to the Subpart FF overview page to upload the cited MSHA report file or correct the file name listed on tab 4 in column A33.
FF0002FFScreen ErrorReporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. This data element is located on tab 1, in column A2, and in row 31.
FF0006FFScreen ErrorQuarter(s) [{1}]: Quarterly CO2 emissions from onsite destruction of coal mine gas CH4, where the gas is not a fuel input for energy generation or use (e.g., flaring). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 1 in column B3, and in row 37.
FF0011FFScreen ErrorQuarter 2: Quarterly CO2 emissions from onsite destruction of coal mine gas CH4, where the gas is not a fuel input for energy generation or use (e.g., flaring). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 1 in column B3, and in row 38.
FF0016FFScreen ErrorQuarter 3: Quarterly CO2 emissions from onsite destruction of coal mine gas CH4, where the gas is not a fuel input for energy generation or use (e.g., flaring). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 1 in column B3, and in row 39.
FF0021FFScreen ErrorQuarter 4: Quarterly CO2 emissions from onsite destruction of coal mine gas CH4, where the gas is not a fuel input for energy generation or use (e.g., flaring). You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on Tab 1 in column B3, and in row 40.
FF0023FFData CompletenessDegasification Gas Collection System Unit ID or Name. This data element is required only if a degasification system is used. Leave this field blank if the facility does not have a degasification system. This data element is located on tab 2 in column A1.
FF0028FFScreen ErrorThe same name or Gas Collection System Unit ID already exists. Please enter a unique name or identifier. This data element is located on tab 2 in column A1.
FF0036FFData CompletenessIdentify if this is a well or a shaft. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A2.
FF0039FFData CompletenessIndicate whether the well or shaft is monitored individually, or as part of a centralized monitoring point. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A9.
FF0040FFData CompletenessIdentify the Centralized Monitoring Point. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A10.
FF0041FFData CompletenessDegasification Gas Collection System Unit ID or Name. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A3.
FF0050FFData CompletenessMethod used for flow rate. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A5.
FF0086FFData CompletenessQuarterly CH4 concentration. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A14. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0087FFData CompletenessTemperature used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 520 degrees Rankine was used, enter 520. This data element is located on Tab 4 in column A22.
FF0088FFData CompletenessPressure used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 1 atm was used or if you used MSHA-provided data of actual methane flow, please enter 1. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A24.
FF0089FFData CompletenessMoisture content used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required, even when volumetric flow and CH4 concentration are measured on the same wet or dry basis and it is not necessary to calculate a Moisture Correction Factor (MCF). This data element is located on tab 4 in column A26. The expected range for moisture content is between 0.0 and 0.1.
FF0090FFData CompletenessQuarterly volumetric flow rate used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A6. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0091FFData CompletenessGaseous organic concentration correction factor used in Eq. FF-9. This data element is required if you indicated that Eq. FF-9 is required to calculate CH4 concentration. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A16.
FF0092FFData CompletenessQuarterly CH4 liberated (CH4V - output of Eq. FF-1). This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A30. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0098FFData CompletenessDegasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point. This data element is required only if a degasification system is used. Leave this field blank if the facility does not have a degasification system. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A1.
FF0106FFData CompletenessMethod used for concentration. This data element is required if a degasification system is used. Leave this field blank if the facility does not have a degasification system. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A5.
FF0107FFData CompletenessQuarterly CEMS CH4 concentration used to calculate CH4 liberated from degasification systems. This data element is required if the method used for concentration is Monitored using 98.324(c)(1). This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A6. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0116FFData CompletenessRequired CH4 concentration from sampling. This data element is required if Method used for concentration selected is Monitored using 98.324(c)(2). This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A10. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0120FFData CompletenessGaseous organic concentration correction factor used in Eq. FF-9. This data element is required if Eq. FF-9 is required to calculate CH4 concentration. If Eq. FF-9 was not required, please change column A12 to \'No\' and leave this cell blank. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A13.
FF0121FFData CompletenessTemperature used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 520 degrees Rankine was used, enter 520. This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A14.
FF0122FFData CompletenessPressure used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required. If a flow meter that automatically corrects to 1 atm was used, enter 1. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A16.
FF0123FFData CompletenessMoisture content used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required, even when volumetric flow and CH4 concentration are measured on the same wet or dry basis and it is not necessary to calculate a Moisture Correction Factor (MCF). This data element is located on tab 5 in column A18. The expected range for moisture content is between 0.0 and 0.1.
FF0124FFData CompletenessWas Eq. FF-9 required to calculate CH4 concentration?. This data element requires a yes or no response. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A12.
FF0134FFData CompletenessDegasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point. This data element is required if a degasification system is in use. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A1.
FF0137FFData CompletenessMethod used for flow rate. This data element is required if a Degasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point is listed. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A4.
FF0140FFData CompletenessWeekly volumetric flow rate used to calculate CH4 liberated from degasification systems, used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required if a Degasification Gas Collection System Monitoring Point is listed. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A5. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0147FFData CompletenessWeekly CH4 liberated from the monitoring point (output of Eq. FF-3). This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 6 in column A10. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0148FFData CompletenessVentilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport Unit ID or Name. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A1.
FF0149FFData CompletenessReporting destruction in a destruction device or offsite transport. This data element is required. This data element is located in the reporting form on Tab 7 in Column A2.
FF0150FFData CompletenessDescription of the Device. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A3.
FF0151FFData CompletenessAdditional Information for Description. This data element is required. Data element located on tab 7 in column A4.
FF0152FFData CompletenessIndicate if a back-up destruction device (or devices) is present at the mine. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A5.
FF0153FFData CompletenessAnnual operating hours of the primary destruction device, hours. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A6.
FF0154FFScreen ErrorAnnual operating hours of the primary destruction device, hours. This data element is required. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A6.
FF0155FFData CompletenessAnnual operating hours of back-up destruction device Number 1. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A8.
FF0156FFScreen ErrorAnnual operating hours of back-up destruction device Number 1. This value should be reported as a number of hours in the reporting year, and should be within the range of 0 to 8784 (hours). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A8.
FF0158FFData CompletenessIf gas is transported offsite, is the gas destroyed offsite? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A12.
FF0159FFData CompletenessDestruction efficiency assumed for primary destruction device and used in Eq. FF-5. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A7.
FF0160FFData CompletenessIndividual well, shaft, or centralized monitoring point associated with the offsite transport or destruction device (1 of 10). This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A13.
FF0161FFData CompletenessDestruction efficiency assumed for back-up destruction device Number 1 and used in Eq. FF-5. This data element is required if you indicated a back-up destruction device is present at the mine. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A9.
FF0166FFScreen ErrorDestruction efficiency assumed for back-up destruction device Number 2 and used in Eq. FF-5. This value should be within the range of 0 to 100. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A11.
FF0167FFScreen ErrorDestruction efficiency assumed for back-up destruction device Number 1 and used in Eq. FF-5. This value should be within the range of 0 to 100. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A9.
FF0168FFScreen ErrorDestruction efficiency assumed for primary destruction device and used in Eq. FF-5. This value should be within the range of 0 to 100. The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing. This data element is located on tab 7 in column A7.
FF0178FFData CompletenessVentilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport Unit ID or Name. If no ventilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport exist, please leave column this table blank. This data element is located on Tab 8 in column A1. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0179FFData CompletenessQuarterly CH4 destroyed onsite. This data element is required if you indicated in the destruction or offsite tab that gas is destroyed at the mine. This data element is located on tab 8 in column A3. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0180FFData CompletenessQuarterly CH4 transported offsite. This data element is required if you indicated in the destruction or offsite tab that gas is transported offsite. This data element is located on tab 8 in column A4. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0183FFData CompletenessWeekly volumetric flow rate used to calculate CH4 destruction. This data element is required if you are destroying gas at the mine or transporting it offsite. This data element is located on tab 9 in column A4. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0184FFData CompletenessVentilation and degasification system destruction device or point of offsite transport Unit ID or Name. This data element is required. This data element is located on Tab 9 in column A1. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0193FFData CompletenessWeekly CH4 concentration used to calculate CH4 flow. This data element is required if you are destroying gas at the mine or transporting it offsite. This data element is located on tab 9 in column A7. Error Location(s) [{1}]
FF0198FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 destroyed at the mine and transported offsite (CH4DestroyedTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column C4.
FF0199FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from all degasification monitoring points (CH4DTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column B4.
FF0200FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from ventilation systems (CH4VTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column A4.
FF0201FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 10 in column A3.
FF0202FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 10 in column B3.
FF0203FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : What result do you want to report to EPA? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 10 in column C3.
FF0205FFData CompletenessMSHA individual identification number(s) associated with this facility. This data element is required and is located on tab 1, column A2, row 32.
FF0206FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from ventilation systems (CH4VTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column A5.
FF0207FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 liberated from all degasification monitoring points (CH4DTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column B5.
FF0208FFData CompletenessQuarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly CH4 destroyed at the mine and transported offsite (CH4DDestroyedTotal). This data element is required. This data element is on tab 10 in column C5.
FF0211FFData CompletenessMoisture correction factor used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. If you used MSHA-provided data of actual methane flow, or if the flow rate and concentration are measured on the same wet/wet or dry/dry basis, enter 1 for moisture correction factor. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A28.
FF0212FFData CompletenessMoisture correction factor used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required. If the flow rate and concentration are measured on the same wet/wet or dry/dry basis enter 1 for moisture correction factor. This data element is located in the reporting form on tab 5 in column A20.
FF0216FFData QualityQuarter(s) [{1}] : Facility total quarterly net CH4 emissions to the atmosphere from the mine according to Eq. FF-7(MT CH4, rounded). The quantity destroyed cannot exceed the quantity liberated. Please double check this value and revise this result. This data element is on tab 10 in column D5.
FF0219FFData QualityIndividual well, shaft, or centralized monitoring point associated with the offsite transport or destruction device. Each destruction device may have up to 10 discrete wells/shafts associated with it, but they must all be different. This data element is on tab 7 in columns A13 through A22
FF0221FFData CompletenessStart date of well or shaft. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A6. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0222FFData CompletenessEnd date of well or shaft. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A7. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0223FFData CompletenessNumber of days the well or shaft was in operation during the reporting year. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 3 in column A8. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0224FFData CompletenessWas a flow meter used? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A27. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0225FFData CompletenessFile name of MSHA report used to report quarterly CH4 concentration and volumetric flow rate. This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A33. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0226FFData CompletenessWere the Weekly Ventilation Flow Rate and Quarterly CH4 Concentration measured on the same basis? This data element is required. This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A18. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0227FFData CompletenessWas a flow meter used? This data element is required. This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A19. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0230FFData CompletenessMoisture content used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required when volumetric flow and CH4 concentration are measured on a different basis and and a flow meter is used but does not automatically correct for moisture content. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A28. If reported, the expected range for moisture content is between 0.0 and 0.1. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0231FFData CompletenessQuarterly CH4 liberated (CH4V - output of Eq. FF-1). This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A32. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0233FFData CompletenessRequired CH4 concentration from sampling. This data element is required if Method used for concentration selected is Monitored using 98.324(c)(2). This data element is located on Tab 5 in column A10. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0234FFData CompletenessMoisture content used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required when the weekly volumetric flow rate and the quarterly CH4 concentration are measured on a different basis and when a flow meter does not automatically correct for moisture content. This data element is located on tab 5 in column A20. The expected range for moisture content is between 0.0 and 0.1. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0235FFData CompletenessMoisture correction factor used in Eq. FF-1. This data element is required. If you used MSHA-provided data of actual methane flow, if the flow rate and concentration are measured on the same wet/wet or dry/dry basis, or if a flow meter was used and automatically corrected for moisture content enter 1 for moisture correction factor. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A30. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0236FFData CompletenessMoisture correction factor used in Eq. FF-3. This data element is required. If the flow rate and concentration are measured on the same wet/wet or dry/dry basis or if a flow meter was used and automatically corrected for moisture content enter 1 for moisture correction factor. This data element is located in the reporting form on tab 5 in column A22. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0239FFData CompletenessWere the Quarterly Ventilation Flow Rate and Quarterly CH4 Concentration measured on the same basis? This data element is required. This data element is located on tab 4 in column A26. Error location(s) [{1}]
FF0240FFData CompletenessStart and stop dates where degasification of mining operations is taking place. These are required data elements. The data elements can be found on Tab 5 columns A3 and A4.
FF0244FFData CompletenessStart and/or stop dates for CH4 liberated by ventilation monitoring points were not reported. Start and stop dates for ventilation monitoring points are required data elements. The data elements can be found on Tab 4 columns A3 and A4.
FF0248FFData CompletenessYou have provided information incomplete information for degasification emissions. Collection information is required for reporting degas emissions, along with Quarterly, and Weekly degas data. The data elements can be found on Tab 2, 5, and 6 of the FF reporting form. Please double check these values and revise, if necessary. If you believe them to be correct, please submit the values as is.


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