Critical Validation Checks for Subpart A

Certain validation checks which are considered critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate your submission package or upload your XML-based submission. These checks are presented to the reporter when they attempt to generate or regenerate their submission or after they attempt to upload an XML-based submission. These checks are signified with a stop sign in your validation report.   The table below provides a list of critical errors.   Additional technical information that may assist XML uploaders is also available at XML Upload Critical Errors.  If you feel that you have triggered one of these checks in error, or if there’s a reason why your report should be submitted despite the check being triggered, you may submit a request to the e-GGRT Help Desk at

A001AData CompletenessDo reported emissions include emissions from a cogeneration unit. This data element is required.
A002AScreen ErrorNAICS code. This data element is required.
A003AScreen ErrorNAICS code. This data element must have 6 digits.
A005AScreen ErrorParent company name. This data element is required.
A006AData CompletenessPercentage of ownership interest. This data element is required.
A007AData CompletenessStreet address. This data element is required.
A008AData CompletenessCity. This data element is required.
A009AData CompletenessState. This data element is required.
A010AData CompletenessZIP code. This data element is required.
A011AData CompletenessPercentage of ownership interest. The value entered must be between 0 and 100.
A012AScreen ErrorZIP code. The zip code must be in the format xxxxx, xxxxx-xxxx, or xxxxxxxxx.
A013AScreen ErrorThe selected GHG report start date is after the selected GHG report end date.
A014AScreen ErrorExplanation of any calculation methodology changes during the reporting year must be 4,000 characters or less.
A015AScreen ErrorDescription of best available monitoring methods (BAMM) used during the reporting year must be 4,000 characters or less.
A016AData CompletenessPercentage of ownership interest. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name.
A017AData CompletenessStreet address. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name.
A018AData CompletenessCity. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name.
A019AData CompletenessState. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name.
A020AData CompletenessZIP code. This data element should not be reported if US GOVERNMENT is specified as the Parent company name.
A021AData CompletenessDo total CO2 equivalent emissions include or exclude biogenic CO2 emissions from part 75 units. This data element is required for facilities that combust biomass in units that use the methods in 40 CFR 75 (i.e. subparts C and/or D).
A023AScreen ErrorCode\'s relevance to revenue producing activity. This data element is required.
A024AData CompletenessDescription of BAMM used in Reporting Year 2014. This data element is required.
A025AData CompletenessReporting Year 2014 BAMM use start date. This data element is required.
A026AData CompletenessReporting Year 2014 BAMM use end date. This data element is required.
A027AScreen ErrorThe selected Reporting Year BAMM use start date is after the selected Reporting Year BAMM use end date.
A028AScreen ErrorReporting Year BAMM use start date. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A029AScreen ErrorReporting Year BAMM use end date. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A030AData CompletenessDescription of BAMM used for Subpart C. This data element is required.
A031AData CompletenessDescription of BAMM used for Subpart P. This data element is required.
A032AData CompletenessDescription of BAMM used for Subpart X. This data element is required.
A033AData CompletenessDescription of BAMM used for Subpart Y. This data element is required.
A034AData CompletenessDescription of BAMM used for Subpart I. This data element is required.
A035AData CompletenessDescription of BAMM used for Subpart L. This data element is required.
A036AData CompletenessBAMM use start date for Subpart C. This data element is required.
A037AData CompletenessBAMM use start date for Subpart P. This data element is required.
A038AData CompletenessBAMM use start date for Subpart X. This data element is required.
A039AData CompletenessBAMM use start date for Subpart Y. This data element is required.
A040AData CompletenessBAMM use start date for Subpart I. This data element is required.
A041AData CompletenessBAMM use start date for Subpart L. This data element is required.
A042AData CompletenessBAMM use end date for Subpart C. This data element is required.
A043AData CompletenessBAMM use end date for Subpart P. This data element is required.
A044AData CompletenessBAMM use end date for Subpart X. This data element is required.
A045AData CompletenessBAMM use end date for Subpart Y. This data element is required.
A046AData CompletenessBAMM use end date for Subpart I. This data element is required.
A047AData CompletenessBAMM use end date for Subpart L. This data element is required.
A048AScreen ErrorThe selected BAMM use start date is after the selected BAMM use end date for Subpart C.
A049AScreen ErrorThe selected BAMM use start date is after the selected BAMM use end date for Subpart P.
A050AScreen ErrorThe selected BAMM use start date is after the selected BAMM use end date for Subpart X.
A051AScreen ErrorThe selected BAMM use start date is after the selected BAMM use end date for Subpart Y.
A052AScreen ErrorThe selected BAMM use start date is after the selected BAMM use end date for Subpart I.
A053AScreen ErrorThe selected BAMM use start date is after the selected BAMM use end date for Subpart L.
A054AScreen ErrorBAMM use start date for Subpart C. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A055AScreen ErrorBAMM use start date for Subpart P. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A056AScreen ErrorBAMM use start date for Subpart X. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A057AScreen ErrorBAMM use start date for Subpart Y. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A058AScreen ErrorBAMM use start date for Subpart I. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A059AScreen ErrorBAMM use start date for Subpart L. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A060AScreen ErrorBAMM use end date for Subpart C. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A061AScreen ErrorBAMM use end date for Subpart P. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A062AScreen ErrorBAMM use end date for Subpart X. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A063AScreen ErrorBAMM use end date for Subpart Y. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A064AScreen ErrorBAMM use end date for Subpart I. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A065AScreen ErrorBAMM use end date for Subpart L. The selected value is not within the reporting year.
A066AData CompletenessDoes your facility report under subpart C or D and have a plant code (as defined in �98.6). A response to this question is required. Plant code means either of the following: (1) The Plant ID code assigned by the Department of Energy\'s Energy Information Administration. The Energy Information Administration Plant ID code is also referred to as the "ORIS code", "ORISPL code", "Facility ID", or "Facility code", among other names. (2) If a Plant ID code has not been assigned by the Department of Energy\'s Energy Information Administration, then plant code means a code beginning with "88" assigned by the EPA\'s Clean Air Markets Division for electronic reporting.
A067AData QualityUse of Subpart L BAMM (Best Available Monitoring Methods) was permitted ONLY in Reporting Year 2012. Please remove these data elements before submitting your report.
A068AData QualityThe wrong section of the XML schema for reporting Best Available Monitoring Methods (BAMM) is used in your report. Beginning in reporting year 2012, reporters must use the subpart-specific BAMM section of the XML schema. Please update the BAMM reporting elements using the correct subpart-specific BAMM section of the XML schema described in the Subpart A XML reporting instructions available on EPA\'s Website (
A069AData QualityA response to the question "Do you separately calculate biogenic CO2 emissions from Part 75 units?" is only permitted in Reporting Year (RY) 2010. It is not a reporting requirement for RY2011 or any following years. Please remove this data element before submitting your report.
A071AData QualityUse of Subpart I BAMM (Best Available Monitoring Methods) was permitted ONLY in Reporting Year 2013 and older. Please remove these data elements before submitting your report.
A072AData QualityReporting of AR4 BAMM details is only permitted in Reporting Year 2014 annual reports.
A080AData QualityParent Company Name. This data element cannot have periods.
A081AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "&" instead of "and".
A082AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "NORTH AMERICA" instead of "NA".
A083AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "CORP" instead of "Corporation".
A084AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "ASSOC" instead of "Association".
A085AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "CO" instead of "Company".
A086AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "DIV" instead of "Division".
A087AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "INC" instead of "Incorp".
A088AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "INC" instead of "Incorporated".
A089AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "LP" instead of "Limited Partnership".
A090AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "LTD" instead of "Limited".
A091AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "LLC" instead of "Limited Liability Company".
A092AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "PTNR" instead of "Partnership".
A093AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "USA" instead of "United States of America".
A094AData QualityParent Company Name. You must use "US" instead of "United States".
A095AScreen ErrorPlease provide only one facility in your uploaded XML file.
A096AScreen ErrorThe FacilitySiteIdentifier node was empty. Please change your XML file, add a FacilitySiteIdentifier (Facility Id), and upload your file again.
A097AScreen ErrorThe GHGRP ID %gid_str within the uploaded XML file does not match the GHGRP ID of the facility you currently have selected.
A098AScreen ErrorThe Reporting Year %ry_str within the uploaded XML file does not match the Reporting Year of the facility you currently have selected.
A100AScreen ErrorSubpart OO cannot contain any Carbon Dioxide emission values.
A101AScreen ErrorThe "CalculationMethodologyChangesDescription" element should be less than 4000 characters.
A102AScreen ErrorStartDate should be in %reptYear reporting cycle.
A103AScreen ErrorEndDate should be in %reptYear reporting cycle.
A104AScreen ErrorBAMMUseStartDate should be in %bammDate reporting cycle.
A105AScreen ErrorBAMMUseEndDate should be in %bammDate reporting cycle.
A107AData QualityThe GHG reporting start date entered for your annual report is invalid (does not fall within the calendar year of your annual report). Please double check your report and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the report as is.
A108AData QualityThe GHG reporting end date entered for your annual report is invalid (does not fall within the calendar year of your annual report). Please double check your report and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the report as is.
A34AScreen ErrorThe Part75BiogenicEmissionsIndicator element in the e-GGRT XML reporting schema should only be included in your XML file submission if you are submitting an annual report for Reporting Year 2010. The option to separately calculate biogenic CO2 emissions from part 75 units (i.e., units that are subject to Subpart D and/or units that use the methods in 40 CFR 75 to quantify mass emissions in accordance with 98.33(a)(5)) was only permitted for the 2010 reporting year.
A35AScreen ErrorThe XML file you have attempted to upload indicates "Y" for the SubPartC AbbreviatedReport element, which indicates you are attempting to use the abbreviated reporting option that was avialalble for certain Subpart C reporters in Reporting Year 2010. For XML file submissions for any Reporting Year other than RY2010, the AbbreviatedReport element should be removed.
A36AScreen ErrorThe enumerated value "Other" is not a valid option for the XML schema element CurrentAnnualWasteQuantityMethod for Reporting Year 2011 and all following reporting years. The "Other" option was only valid in Reporting Year 2010 to indicate use of best available monitoring methods (BAMM). Use of BAMM is not permitted in RY2011 and following reporting years.
A37AScreen ErrorThe data elements required by 98.416(a)(8) and (a)(9) related to reactant information have been changed to recordkeeping requirements (not reporting requirements) for Reporting Year 2011 and all following reporting years. XML files uploaded for years following Reporting Year 2010 should not include XML schema elements ReactantMassRemoved or ReactantDetails.
A500AData CompletenessNAICS code: Please enter a primary NAICS code for the facility. This data element is required.
A501AScreen ErrorNAICS code was not found in the list of 2007 NAICS codes.
A501aAScreen ErrorNAICS code was not found in the list of 2017 NAICS codes.
A502AScreen ErrorThe NAICS code entered has already been selected for this facility.
A503AScreen ErrorA primary NAICS code has already been selected.
A504AScreen ErrorA second primary NAICS code has already been selected.
A505AScreen ErrorPlease select a primary NAICS code before selecting a second primary NAICS code.
A506AScreen ErrorPlease select a primary NAICS code before selecting an additional NAICS code.
A510AData CompletenessPlease identify the highest-level United States parent company as of December 31 of the current reporting year. This data is required.
A511AData CompletenessYou have not yet selected any subparts for reporting. Return to the Facility or Supplier Overview page and use the ADD or REMOVE Subparts link to select the applicable subpart(s) for your facility or supplier.
A511aAData CompletenessYou have not selected any subparts for reporting.
A99AScreen ErrorOnly subparts C, NN, OO, and PP are valid for an abbreviated report.
ALL0001AData QualityCAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide.
ALL0002AData QualityLinear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide.
BYR001AScreen ErrorPlease select a subpart before uploading a file. This data is required.
BYR002AScreen ErrorPlease select a file to upload. This data is required.
BYR003AScreen ErrorFile size is greater than the maximum of 10 MB.


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