The text below describes how to add a Unit or Furnace. The process to edit an existing Unit or Furnace is essentially similar.
Step 1: Adding, Modifying or Deleting Process Unit Information for Units NOT Monitored by CEMS at this Facility
Starting on the Subpart AA Overview page, click the link titled "ADD a Unit or Furnace".
To modify an existing unit or furnace, click on the edit icon or the Name/ID link, which is the first column in the UNIT AND FURNACE SUMMARY table.
To delete an existing unit or furnace, click on the delete icon, which is the last column in the UNIT AND FURNACE SUMMARY table.
Click image to expand
Step 2: Indicate CEMS Utilization for a Unit
For each unit or furnace indicate that the emissions are not measured by operating and maintaining a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS). Click either yes or No.
Note that when adding a new unit you are prompted to answer the CEMS question immediately (the answer to this question will default to “No” for units added using the “ADD a Unit” link and will default to “Yes” for units added using the “ADD a Unit Monitored by CEMS” link)
When you are finished, click NEXT.
Click image to expand
For each unit or furnace within your facility, Subpart AA requires you to report the following data:Step 3: Enter Required Information for a Unit
When you are finished, click SAVE.
Click image to expand
See Also
Screen Errors
Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart AA Report
Subpart AA Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart AA Makeup Chemical Usage Information
Subpart AA Process Unit Information for Units NOT Monitored by CEMS
Subpart AA Process Unit Information for Units Monitored by CEMS
Subpart AA Emissions Information for Makeup Chemical Recovery
Subpart AA Emissions Information for Units NOT Monitored CEMS
Subpart AA Emissions Information for Units Monitored by CEMS
Subpart Validation Report