This page provides a step-by-step description of how to enter Subpart AA emissions data for makeup chemical recovery.
Adding or Updating Emissions for unit type Make-up Chemical Use
To add or update Subpart AA emissions for unit type Make-up Chemical Use, locate the MAKEUP CHEMICAL USAGE SUMMARY table on the Subpart AA Overview page, and click OPEN.
Click image to expand
Step 1: Equation AA-3 Summary and Result
The annual CO2 process emissions for this unit are required. To calculate these values download the spreadsheet by clicking the link titled “Use AA-3spreadsheet to calculate”. Fill in the spreadsheet using the instructions in the spreadsheet. After completing the spreadsheet, copy the value of CO2, calculated by the spreadsheet to this page in the box next to “CO2 mass emissions from makeup chemicals”.
The Equation AA-3 Summary is presented on the page. You can hover over an element in the equation to reveal a definition of that element.
Step 2: Basis and Substitute value
For each makeup unit or furnace within your facility, Subpart AA requires you to report the following data:
- Indicate a substitute value for CaCO3
- Indicate a substitute value for NaCO3
Step 3: Upload Equation Spreadsheet
When you have finished entering emission results and substitute data, save your AA-3 equation spreadsheet to your computer. Click UPLOAD and select your saved AA-3 equation spreadsheet for upload. Your file path will appear on the screen to the left of the BROWSE button. Next, click UPLOAD and your uploaded file will appear under the heading "Uploaded File Name".
Step 4: Save Your Data
When you have finished entering data and have successfully uploaded your equation spreadsheet, click SAVE.
After you save the data on this page, the next time you open the page, the calculator on the top of the page will display the CO2 process emissions, rounded to the nearest metric ton. The value displayed is for informational purposes only.
When CO2 emissions has been entered the Status column on the Makeup Chemical Usage Summary will show “Complete” and the background color for that furnace will show as green.
Click image to expand
See Also
Screen Errors
Using Cal e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart AA Report
Subpart AA Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart AA Makeup Chemical Usage Information
Subpart AA Process Unit Information for Units NOT Monitored by CEMS
Subpart AA Process Unit Information for Units Monitored by CEMS
Subpart AA Emissions Information for Makeup Chemical Recovery
Subpart AA Emissions Information for Units NOT Monitored CEMS
Subpart AA Emissions Information for Units Monitored by CEMS
Subpart Validation Report