
Some users were experiencing log-in and submission issues in e-GGRT. These issues have been corrected and e-GGRT should fully operable. Thank you for your patience.

Some users are experiencing log-in issues in e-GGRT this morning. Some other e-GGRT users are experiencing difficulty when submitting their annual reports. EPA is investigating both issues and will post a follow-up announcement when the problem is resolved.

We apologize for any inconvenience this disruption may cause.

Dear e-GGRT Users:

There is now one week remaining before the September 30th, 2011 deadline for reporting your 2010 GHG Data to EPA.

Please allow yourself sufficient time to enter and submit your data before the September 30th deadline.  You should provide yourself with enough time to contact the Help Desk in the event you have questions or encounter difficulties when completing your annual GHG report.  More complex questions may require longer response times.   EPA can not guarantee that questions submitted to the Help Desk during the final week of reporting will get a response before the deadline.  Although EPA will do everything possible to respond in a timely manner, it is the reporter’s responsibility to meet the deadline, and any action or inaction by EPA does not in any way affect that obligation.

In order to ensure the best possible customer service, we suggest that you complete your RY2010 reporting as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Please note the following changes to e-GGRT effective September 19th, 2011. These changes affect the small number of e-GGRT users who used e-GGRT BEFORE September 19th and reported difficulty completing a portion of their reporting in very specific cases. EPA has provided a “know issues” page on its e-GGRT Help site ( The key updates are summarized below:

For Subpart Q (Iron and Steel) facilities reporting flares

Issue: e-GGRT had been directing users to use Equations Y-4 and Y-5 to calculate CH4 and N2Ofor subpart Q flares. However, the rule requires that users to calculate those emissions based on Equation C-9a. In addition, in certain cases annual reports for subpart Q were not in all cases including the CO2, CH4, and/or N2O emissions for each flare reported although the rolled-up subpart-level and facility-level emissions values were correct.
Workaround: The Subpart Q page for flares now references Equation C-9a and the associated optional calculation spreadsheet and the annual report will include all flare emissions values. Users who have prepared an annual report for Subpart Q that includes flares before September 19 should ensure their CH4 and N20 emission estimates are consistent with requirements of Equation C-9a and regenerate their report. If you are submitting emission Subpart Q Flares using the XML you should note that the “Fraction of Carbon in the Flare Gas” data element related to Equation Y-4, which was to be reported prior to the change, is no longer applicable.

For Subpart AA (Pulp and Paper) facilities with pulp mill lime kilns

Issue: Several of the optional calculation spreadsheets referenced by e-GGRT (for Eq. C-8, C-8a, C-8b, C-9a, and C-9b) did not provide emission factors for Table AA-2 which are used to calculate CH4 and N20 emissions.
Workaround: These spreadsheets have now been updated to include the emission factors listed in Table AA-2 and are available to be downloaded at: Using Subpart C Calculation Spreadsheets . If you have included emissions from pulp mill lime kilns in your annual report please ensure that you have used the correct emission factors.

For subpart HH (Municipal Landfills) with multiple gas monitoring locations

Issue: The “Equation HH-6, HH-7, and HH-8 Multi” tab of the Equation HH-6, HH-7, and HH-8 Optional Calculation Spreadsheet referenced by e-GGRT contained an error in cell C80.
Workaround: The spreadsheet for these equations has now been updated to correct this error and is available for download at: Using Subpart HH Calculation Spreadsheets. Please make sure you are using the most up to date spreadsheet by checking to ensure you are using version RY2010.R.03. If you have already run your calculation using an incorrect formula, please rerun the calculation using the correct formula, insert the correct value in e-GGRT, and then regenerate, submit, and certify your corrected report.

These changes along with a number of other cosmetic and explanatory modifications will make it easier for users to complete their reporting. As always, if you encounter difficulty the GHGRP Help Desk is available to help. Please call the help desk at 877-444-1188 or send a request via e-mail at If you call outside of help desk hours (9am – 5pm EST, Monday thru Friday) please leave a voice mail and will return your call first thing in the morning.

Some e-GGRT users were experiencing log-in and submission issues in e-GGRT. These issues have been corrected and e-GGRT should fully operable. Thank you for your patience.

Some e-GGRT users are unable to login to in e-GGRT. In some cases, the log-in may fail or there may be an excessive delay before the application logs you in. Some e-GGRT users are experiencing difficulty when submitting their annual reports this morning. EPA is investigating both issues and will post a follow-up announcement when the problem is resolved. Thank you for your patience.

Dear e-GGRT Users:

There are now just over two weeks remaining before the September 30th, 2011 deadline for reporting your 2010 GHG Data to EPA.

Please allow yourself sufficient time to enter and submit your data before the September 30th deadline.  You should provide yourself with enough time to contact the Help Desk in the event you have questions or encounter difficulties when completing your annual GHG report.  More complex questions may require longer response times.   

In order to ensure the best possible customer service, we suggest that you begin your RY2010 reporting as soon as possible.

Thank you!

On September 2, 2011 new versions of the Subpart OO Reporting Form for Producers and the Subpart OO Reporting Form for Importers and Exporters were posted to the Reporting Forms page on e-GGRT Help Site. For producers, corrections were made to address errors encountered on the “Other F-GHGs” summary, to expand that summary to accommodate 100 entries, and to address several formatting and version number issues. The Importer / Exporter reporting forms were updated to incorporate several formatting and version number corrections. The new version number for each is now RY2010.R.03 (after opening the form, the version number is shown on the top of the first tab of each spreadsheet). If you are currently using an out-dated form, please download the current form before submitting it to EPA. We apologize for any inconvenience. Should you have any questions, or require additional assistance, please contact the GHGRP Help Desk.

E-GGRT will be unavailable between 6:00 AM (EST) and 12:00 PM (EST) on Saturday, 09/03/11 for system maintenance.

A number of participants in this week’s e-GGRT refresher webinars asked if users can preview their GHG data before submitting to EPA.  If you are a web form reporter you can preview the data that you have entered into the e-GGRT web forms by first generating then reviewing your report. 

To do this, start at your FACILITY OVERVIEW page.  At the bottom of the page, in the “Submit Annual Report” table, click on the blue “Generate /Submit” button.  This will take you to the e-GGRT GENERATE AND REVIEW page.  Under “Generate Report”, click on the green “Generate Report” button.  e-GGRT will compile a report containing all the data that you’ve entered in the web forms.  When the process is complete, you will see a “Review Report” section on the GENERATE AND REVIEW page and this will provide you with three options (you may view/print the report in your browser, you may view/print the XML version of your report in your browser or you may download an XML version) for previewing your GHG report before submitting to EPA. 

If, after reviewing, you want to make changes to your data, just go back into the e-GGRT web forms and make your desired changes.  You may generate and preview your report as many times as you need before submitting to EPA.

This afternoon EPA has posted revised reporting forms (i.e., reporting form spreadsheets) for Subparts E, GG, R, and V to the E-GGRT help web site. In each form, a single check box has been converted to a yes/no selection to be more consistent with other e-GGRT simplified reporting forms. Please use these versions of the reporting forms when submitting data for these Subparts to EPA. These new versions are labeled with version numbers RY2010.R.04.

If you are reporting under Subparts E, GG, R, or V, please download these new versions at Please note that the table on this page includes the "Current Release" or most up to date version of each Reporting Form. Please refer to this table and use the most up to date version of each Reporting Form when you submit data to EPA.

e-GGRT allows you cut-and-paste data from documents or spreadsheets (e.g., optional calculation spreadsheets) directly into e-GGRT data fields.

  • For text fields, cut-and-paste will work in supported browsers as long as the text you are pasting does not exceed the maximum length permitted by e-GGRT for the field at issue.
  • For numeric fields, the paste action works with one limitation: you are not allowed to paste non-numeric characters, such as commas, into numeric fields.
    • If you do try to paste non-numeric data in a numeric field using Mozilla Firefox browsers you will get an error message.
    • If you are using a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser you will be prevented from pasting non-numeric data in a numeric field, but no error message will be displayed.

Give it a try!

E-GGRT is now open for 2010 GHG reporting under EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP).

When you access E-GGRT at the ‘Data Reporting’ tab is now visible. Updated reporting instructions are available on the e-GGRT Help site at The Help Desk may be contacted by email at Please do not submit sensitive or business confidential information to the help desk. Anything you send to this email address will be available to the public.

The deadline for submitting the 2010 annual GHG report is September 30, 2011.

Your facility or supplier Certificate of Representation must be complete in order to submit the 2010 GHG report. Check the ‘Facility Management’ tab for each facility to make sure the green “Certificate of Representation Signed and Complete” message is visible. Please note that your e-GGRT password expires after every ninety days. For more information please refer to a FAQ on how to reset your password.

The new e-GGRT RSS feed provides timely news and updates on system status. Subscribe to the feed or read the blog click here.

EPA intends to launch e-GGRT for RY2010 GHG Data Reporting the week of August 22. Announcement of the live production will be made on the GHG Reporting Program website and on the e-GGRT News and Information site.

The deadline for reporting 2010 emissions is September 30, 2011. To assist reporters with the using e-GGRT, EPA is offering refresher courses for subparts C (General Stationary Combustion Sources), D (Electricity Generation), X (Petrochemical Production), Y (Petroleum Refineries), P (Hydrogen Production), AA (Pulp and Paper Manufacturing), HH (Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, and NN (Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids).

August 18, 2011, 3:00-4:00pm: e-GGRT Overview and Registration Webinar
August 23, 2011, 1:00-2:30pm: Subparts C (General Stationary Combustion) & D (Electricity Generation) e-GGRT Refresher Webinar
August 23, 2011, 2:30-4:00pm: Subpart AA (Pulp and Paper Manufacturing) e-GGRT Refresher Webinar
August 24, 2011, 2:00-3:30pm: Subpart HH (Municipal Solid Waste Landfills) e-GGRT Refresher Webinar
August 24, 2011, 3:30-5:00pm: Subpart NN (Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids) e-GGRT Refresher Webinar EPA disclaimer
August 25, 2011, 1:00-2:30pm: Subparts X (Petrochemical Production), Y (Petroleum Refineries), and P (Hydrogen Production) e-GGRT Refresher Webinar

To register for these session please use the Register on EPA's GHG Reporting website.

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)