
On March 20, 2012, EPA posted 10 new frequently asked questions (FAQs) that provide answers to common questions regarding Subpart DD (Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equipment Use) reporting including:

  • Q641. Our utility owns power plants that are subject to Part 98 subpart D and 100-150 substations. Do we report SF6 and PFC emissions under subpart DD as a separate facility or together?
  • Q642. Our facility owns SF6- or PFC-containing equipment, but we are not an electric power transmission or distribution entity as defined in 98.308. Are we required to report emissions under subpart DD?
  • Q643. Our power plant is subject to Part 98 subpart D and has a substation located on site. Do we report SF6 and PFC emissions from the substation under subpart DD? If so, would the SF6 and PFC emissions be reported under the same report as the subpart D emissions or as a separate report?
  • Q644. At what point during the year does the reporting threshold apply for subpart DD?
  • Q645. Does equipment that has been sent out for reconditioning (not on-site) count toward the subpart DD threshold?
  • Q646. Our facility has SF6 gas cylinders. Do we include those in reporting under subpart DD?
  • Q647. Is BAMM available for a facility that is subject to subpart DD and began data collection in 2011?
  • Q648. Is BAMM available for a facility that first became subject to subpart DD and began data collection in reporting year 2012?
  • Q649. Hermetic seals should not leak. Do we include the quantity of SF6contained in hermetically sealed equipment when determining applicability under subpart DD?
  • Q650. We are a registered Subpart D facility that reported for reporting year 2010. For reporting year 2011, we also are subject to Subpart DD because we exceed the reporting threshold. Are we allowed to report our Subpart D GHG emissions now and then report the Subpart DD GHG emissions when the reporting tool becomes available?

To view these and other FAQs, please visit the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program FAQ site at:

The deadline for submitting the 2011 annual GHG report is Monday, April 2nd, 2012 for those who will NOT be reporting on any of the new 2011 source categories.  (If you are required to report for any of the new 2011 source categories and notified EPA by April 2, 2012 that you intend to delay reporting, your report is due on September 28, 2012.)  

Please allow yourself sufficient time to enter and submit your data before the April 2nd deadline. If you are new to e-GGRT you should provide yourself with enough time to contact the Help Desk in the event you have questions or encounter difficulties when completing your annual GHG report. More complex questions may require longer response times.

Thank you

EPA has updated the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) data publication tool to reflect revised data submitted by facilities in the December 17th 2011 – February 10th, 2012 time frame . EPA also made other improvements to the data publication tool, including adding features to perform new queries of the data.

In addition, two new GHGRP data sets are being released and may be found on the GHGRP data downloads page. The first data set includes non confidential data elements provided by reporters and is available in XML format. The types of data elements provided in this file include methods used by the facilities to estimate their emissions, unit level emissions information (if this data is non-confidential) and other facility-specific data. The second file contains the name and location of each facility's highest-level United States parent company or companies, as reported to EPA.

In conjunction with the RY2011 launch of EPA's electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT), EPA will offer a training webinar on February 28, 2012.  This webinar will introduce new and existing e-GGRT users to key features of e-GGRT, including how to submit annual greenhouse gas reports to EPA.  Special emphasis will be placed on new features, improvements, and changes to the software.
To register for the webinar please visit:
Data collected via e-GGRT for the 2010 Reporting Year was published in January 2012 and can be viewed at:

With the completion of EPA's scheduled maintenance outage, the electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) is now available for the 2011 Reporting Year.  Facilities and Suppliers subject to EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) may now begin entering their RY2011 data into e-GGRT by logging in at

The deadline for facilities and suppliers that are not reporting under any of the new 2011 source categories to report their 2011 GHG data to EPA is April 2nd, 2012.  Facilities and suppliers wishing to enter or resubmit RY2010 data may still do so via e-GGRT, as the new version of e-GGRT allows multi-year reporting.  If you are reporting for one or more of the new 2011 source categories, those new reporting features should be available in August of 2012.

e-GGRT Help will be unavailable starting 5pm EST on February 16 as it undergoes maintenance and is updated to support Reporting Year 2011. Please try to access the site again tomorrow. Thank you for you patience.

This is a reminder that EPA's electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) will be unavailable to allow for system upgrades needed to support Reporting Year 2011.  The maintenance outage began on Saturday, February 11, 2011.  e-GGRT is expected to be available again during the week of February 20th.  Once the upgrades are complete e-GGRT will be available for RY2011 reporting.

EPA has released its XML reporting schema for Reporting Year (RY) 2011 reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) data using Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) today.

The schema version (V2.0) for RY2011 reports due by April 2, 2012 is published at

The schema version for RY2011 reports due by September 28, 2012 is still under development and will be released in July 2012.

E-GGRT users who are preparing an XML bulk file must use the version 2.0 schema for RY2011 reports due by April 2, 2012 or for resubmitting RY2010 reports. The RY2010 version of the XML Reporting Schema will not be accepted by e-GGRT after February 21, 2012.

Reporting instructions for XML submissions are being prepared at this time and will be posted as they are completed. Subscribe to the e-GGRT RSS feed to keep informed on future updates to XML reporting instructions.

On January 11th, 2012, EPA published Reporting Year 2010 (RY2010) GHG data collected under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (via e-GGRT) at

In addition to the GHG data, EPA has now made RY2010 corporate parent information available to the public.

To view detailed corporate parent and percentage ownership share information, please visit:

If you are a facility or supplier that reported under the GHG Reporting Program for 2010 and want to revise or change your RY2010 corporate parent information, please do so directly using EPA's electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT).

On January 11th, 2012 EPA made comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) data reported directly from large facilities and suppliers across the country accessible to the public through EPA's GHG Reporting Program. The 2010 GHG data includes public information from facilities in nine industry groups that directly emit large quantities of GHGs, as well as suppliers of certain fossil fuels.

EPA's online data publication tool allows users to view and sort GHG data for calendar year 2010 from over 6,700 facilities in a variety of ways-including by facility, location, industrial sector, and the type of GHG emitted. This information can be used by communities to identify nearby sources of GHGs, help businesses compare and track emissions, and provide information to state and local governments.

The following links provide access the data and additional background information:

Please be aware that there are less than 14 days remaining to electronically submit an NOI to EPA to request the use of best available monitoring methods (BAMM) for 2012.  The NOI's must be submitted to EPA electronically through the electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) by January 3, 2012 for Subpart W for the purposes of fulfilling requirements in 40 CFR 98.234(f)(8). Occasionally, user issues may arise that may take days to resolve. To avoid the possibility of missing this deadline, please submit your NOI as soon as possible.   If you would like further guidance on registering for and using e-GGRT, please go to the following link:

EPA has now added the ability to submit a Subpart W Notice of Intent (NOI) or Best Available Monitoring Method (BAMM) request through e-GGRT.  This functionality can be accessed through the Facility Management Tab in e-GGRT.  For additional information and Help on how to use e-GGRT to submit a Subpart NOI or BAMM, please review the Help instructions here:

To view the instructions for the use of e-GGRT's Subpart W NOI and BAMM pages click here.

Please note that facilities must first register in e-GGRT before using this feature.  For information and Help on how to register a Subpart W facility in e-GGRT please review the Help instructions here:

To view the instructions on Subpart W Facility Registration click here.

EPA will hold training on submitting Subpart W BAMM requests on November 17, 2011, 2:30-3:30pm. This webinar will cover provisions under which Best Available Monitoring Methods (BAMM) can be used, the process for submitting BAMM, the timetable for use of BAMM, and how to register a facility for EPA's data reporting system — the electronic GHG Reporting Tool (e-GGRT). The webinar will also provide information to reporters that used the "Automatic" BAMM in 2011 and reporters that anticipate using BAMM during the calendar year 2012 or beyond. Registration capacity is limited. Click here to register.

EPA has added an "EPA Correspondence Folder" to each Facility or Supplier's e-GGRT account.  This folder allows any representative or agent of a facility or supplier to access an "in-box" that may contain messages from EPA regarding their Annual GHG Data.  A facility or supplier's representative or agent may also use e-GGRT to respond to EPA messages in their "EPA Correspondence Folder". EPA will send email notifications to the representatives of a facility when a message has been placed in a facility or supplier's correspondence folder.

The functionality of the EPA Correspondence Folder is somewhat analogous to the "private message box" that is part of some banking and finance web sites.  An email notification from the financial institution alerts account holders when they have a message, but the content of the message, which may include sensitive information, can only be seen in the account holder's private message box.

To access your facility or supplier's EPA Correspondence Folder, please click the "Facility Management" tab on your e-GGRT Home Page.  From the Facility Management tab, select and open a specific Facility.  This will open the Facility Summary screen, and the EPA Correspondence Folder is accessible from a link on the right hand side of the screen, next to a yellow "folder" icon.  When you click on this it will open the correspondence folder, which will display a table listing issues. 

When your facility or supplier receives a message from EPA, it will appear on the issues list and you can click on it to view it.  (You and any other representative will also receive an e-mail notification letting you know there is a new message in the Facility or Supplier's Correspondence Folder).

Please see the following link for more information on how to use e-GGRT's EPA Correspondence Folder.

Dear e-GGRT Users:

Today is the last day to submit your RY2010 Annual GHG report to EPA on-time to meet the September 30th, 2011 deadline.

If you have not already done so, please complete, certify and submit your Annual GHG report to EPA as soon as possible.

Thank you!

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)