Subpart W Facility Registration

Overview of Facility Registration

In order to submit an annual report under subpart W for a particular facility, that facility must be registered in the e-GGRT system. Registration is accomplished using the Certificate of Representation (COR) form which is available in the e-GGRT system and is unique for each facility. A completed COR form includes information on the facility such as the identification of the facility, the address, a list of the owner(s) or operator(s), and the identification of the designated representative (DR) for that facility. This COR form must be signed by either the Designated Representative or the Alternate Designated Representative. Below you will find a screen snap for the e-GGRT screen used to enter COR Data.

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Facility Naming Convention for Subpart W Reporters

The petroleum and natural gas systems source category of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) covers 10 industry segments; Offshore petroleum and natural gas production, onshore petroleum and natural gas production, onshore natural gas processing, onshore natural gas transmission compression, underground natural gas storage, liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage, LNG import and export equipment, natural gas distribution, onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting, and onshore natural gas transmission pipelines.

Four of these 10 industry segments have a unique definition of facility that is specifically defined in subpart W, namely the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment, the natural gas distribution industry segment, the onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segment, and the onshore natural gas transmission pipeline industry segment. Recommendations on the facility naming conventions and facility address to use when registering a facility are summarized in the table below; more details for specific industry segments are provided below the table.

Type of Subpart W Facility

Recommended Facility Name Format

Recommended Facility Address

Offshore petroleum and natural gas production

Use standard naming convention from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Provide a latitude-longitude rather than a street address

Onshore petroleum and natural gas production

Owner Name + Basin Code + Basin Name

Address of the U.S. corporate headquarters, including its street address, city, state, and zip code

Onshore natural gas processing

Use standard naming convention from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Use standard address from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Onshore natural gas transmission compression

Use standard naming convention from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Use standard address from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Underground natural gas storage

Use standard naming convention from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Use standard address from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage

Use standard naming convention from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Use standard address from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

LNG import and export equipment

Use standard naming convention from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Use standard address from General Provisions – 98.3(c)(1)

Natural gas distribution

Name of LDC + state where that facility is located

Address of the U.S. corporate headquarters, including its street address, city, state, and zip code

Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting

Owner Name + Basin Code + Basin Name + GB

Address of the U.S. corporate headquarters, including its street address, city, state, and zip code

Onshore natural gas transmission pipeline

Use owner/operator name

Address of the U.S. corporate headquarters, including its street address, city, state, and zip code

Onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment:

  • Reporters should name their facilities based on the hydrocarbon basins as defined by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Provinces Codes as incorporated by reference into the final rule for Subpart W (75 FR 74488). This document can also be accessed at the AAPG website. For example, an onshore petroleum and natural gas production facility should use the following convention to insure that facilities are named distinctly from other facilities operating in the same basin: Owner Name + Basin Code + Basin Name (for example, MLH Production Inc. 420 Fort Worth Syncline).
  • EPA recognizes that onshore petroleum and natural gas producers, whose facility is a "basin," are also likely not to have a traditional facility address. Because of the large geographic size of the basins, identifying latitude/longitude coordinates might not always be practical. As a result, these reporters may use the address of the U.S. corporate headquarters, including its street address, city, state, and zip code.

Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segment:

  • Reporters should follow the same conventions as onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities for facility name and address, but with the addition of "GB" (without the quotation marks) at the end of the facility name (for example, MLH Production Inc. 420 Fort Worth Syncline GB).

Natural gas distribution industry segment:

  • Reporters should use the name of their local distribution company (LDC), and append the state where that facility is located to the end of the facility name (for example, Bright Lights Energy Inc. Florida). This procedure is consistent with how LDC’s subject to 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart NN are registered.
  • Reporters of this segment should use the address of the U.S. corporate headquarters, including its street address, city, state, and zip code.

Onshore natural gas transmission pipeline segment:

  • The definition of "facility" includes all pipelines owned within the U.S., so reporters should use the name of the owner/operator as the name of the facility (for example, American Transmission Pipeline).
  • These facilities are also likely not to have a traditional facility address and identifying latitude/longitude coordinates will not be practical. A natural gas transmission pipeline facility should use the address of the owner/operator's U.S. corporate headquarters, including the street address, city, state, and zip code.

Offshore petroleum and natural gas production reporters are subject to the same facility definitions applied to other direct emitters (see FAQ 10 for further detail) and should name their facilities using the facility name associated with their main mailing address. However, EPA recognizes that offshore facilities reporting under Subpart W are likely not to have a traditional facility address. Instead, reporters of offshore facilities should check the "No street address, use Latitude/Longitude" box on the "Facility or Supplier Information" page (for new facilities) or on the "Facility Profile" page (for existing facilities) and provide a WGS84 'latitude, longitude' coordinate pair with decimal degrees to four places or better in the Latitude and Longitude fields. A recreational-grade GPS system provides the necessary level of accuracy. Alternately, you may use an online satellite view such as Google maps, by zooming in, right-clicking on your facility and selecting 'What's Here?'. The search text box will display the 'latitude, longitude' coordinates for the selected location up to six decimal places.

The remaining five subpart W industry segments, onshore natural gas processing, onshore natural gas transmission compression, underground natural gas storage, liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage, and LNG import and export equipment, are also subject to the same facility definitions applied to other direct emitters (see FAQ 10 for further detail) and should name their facilities using the facility name associated with their main mailing address. Reporters in these segments should use the conventional street address, city, state, and zip code for their facility. Per 98.3(c)(1), if the facility does not have a physical street address, then the facility must provide the latitude and longitude representing the geographic centroid or center point of facility operations in decimal degree format. The facility should provide a WGS84 'latitude, longitude' coordinate pair with decimal degrees to four places or better.

For more information on how to determine the latitude and longitude of the facility, and how to enter the latitude and longitude data in e-GGRT, please refer to FAQ 758 and Reporting Latitude and Longitude.

Co-located Industry Segments

As noted above, four industry segments (onshore petroleum and natural gas production, natural gas distribution, onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting, and onshore natural gas transmission pipeline) have a unique definition of facility in subpart W and have separate reporting threshold requirements in 98.231(a). Therefore, these facilities should be registered separately within e-GGRT.

For the other six industry segments, (offshore petroleum and natural gas production, onshore natural gas processing, onshore natural gas transmission compression, underground natural gas storage, liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage, and LNG import and export equipment), there may be cases where a single facility registered in e-GGRT may report under more than one industry segment under subpart W.

Submitting Reports Under a Facility Subpart and a Supplier Subpart 

Reporters who are reporting under both a direct emitter subpart and a supplier of greenhouse gas subpart, as in the example of a reporter who submits under both subpart W as a natural gas distribution facility and also under subpart NN as a local distribution company, may opt to select a separate DR for the supplier even if the operation happens to be the same company or location. Please see FAQ 254 for further discussion.

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