Subpart W Data populated from Subpart NN Data

Starting in RY2018, EPA will populate certain Subpart W data elements in e-GGRT using data submitted under Subpart NN from the same facility.  Reporters will only need to report the specified data elements once in Subpart NN.  Data from Subpart NN will be populated into the Subpart W XML and HTML reports during report generation if it was not reported in Subpart W.  If a reporter opts to report the specified data elements in both Subpart W and NN, e-GGRT will NOT populate Subpart W reports with the data from Subpart NN. Instead, data as submitted in each subpart will be included with the official submission package.   

The specific data elements that EPA will populate include:  

Subpart W Data ElementSubpart W Reporting Form Location Subpart W XML XpathSubpart NN Data ElementSubpart NN Webform Location

Subpart NN XML Xpath

Quantity of natural gas received at the gas processing plant in the calendar year
(thousand standard cubic feet)


Reporting Form, Tab (aa)(2-11) Facility Overview, Table AA.3


Annual Volume of Natural Gas received for processing (mscf)


Miscellaneous Information, webform screen NNa-3


Does the facility fractionate NGLs?


Reporting Form, Tab (aa)(2-11) Facility Overview, Table AA.3


Supplier TypeSubpart Overview, webform screen NNa-0


Quantity of natural gas added to in-system storage in the calendar year
(thousand standard cubic feet)


Reporting Form, Tab (aa)(2-11) Facility Overview, Table AA.9


Annual Volume of Natural Gas placed into storage or liquefied and stored


Equation NN-5a, webform screen NNe-6


Quantity of natural gas transferred to third parties such as other LDCs or pipelines
(thousand standard cubic feet)


Reporting Form, Tab (aa)(2-11) Facility Overview, Table AA.9


Total annual volume of natural gas supplied to downstream gas transmission pipelines and other LDCs


Equation NN-3, webform screen NNc-2


Subpart W Onshore natural gas processing segment and Subpart NN, NGL: Fractionator of natural gas liquids

Facilities who report under Subpart W in the Onshore natural gas processing segment and also report under Subpart NN as an NGL: Fractionator of natural gas liquids, will only need to report the following data elements to Subpart NN: 

  1. Annual Volume of Natural Gas received for processing (mscf)
  2. Supplier Type 

In the Subpart NN webforms, instructions in red text help identify the Annual Volume of Natural Gas received for processing data element. 

Annual Volume of Natural Gas received for processing: 

Supplier Type: 

The Supplier Type data element is not indicated by red text.  For most reporters, this data element is pre-populated in Subpart NN each year based on the previous year's supplier type.  First time reporters, select the supplier type from a drop down menu.  

In the Subpart W Reporting form, instructions in red text help identify the specific Onshore natural gas processing data elements in Table AA.3.. The following data elements may be left blank if they were also reported to Subpart NN.  

 Click this link to expand


Subpart W Natural gas distribution and Subpart NN, LDC: Natural gas local distribution company

Facilites who report under Subpart W in the Natural Gas Distribution and also report under Subpart NN as LDC: Natural gas local distribution company will only need to report the following data elements to Subpart NN: 

  1. Annual volume of natural gas placed into storage or liquefied and stored
  2. Total annual volume of natural gas supplied to downstream gas transmission pipelines and other LDCs

In the Subpart NN webforms, instructions in red text help identify these data elements. 

  Annual Volume of Natural Gas placed into storage or liquefied and stored: 

Total annual volume of natural gas supplied to downstream gas transmission pipelines and other LDCs: 

In the Subpart W Reporting form, instructions in red text help identify the specific Natural gas distribution  data elements in Table AA.8: 

 Click this link to expand

Validation Messages based on populated Subpart W data 

Applicable Subpart W validations in the chart below will now be performed after report generation in order to review the populated Subpart W data from Subpart NN.  These validation messages are not critical errors (i.e., do not prevent submission) and may be ignored if you believe the data you have entered is correct.

Validation Check ID

Validation Message


Quantity of natural gas received at gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(i)]. This element is required for this industry segment.


Quantity of natural gas received at gas processing plant [98.236(aa)(3)(i)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.


Does facility fractionate NGLs? [98.236(aa)(3)(vii)]. This element is required for this industry segment.


Quantity of natural gas added to in-system storage [98.236(aa)(9)(iii)]. This element is required for this industry segment.


Quantity of natural gas added to in-system storage [98.236(aa)(9)(iii)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.


Quantity of natural gas transferred to third parties [98.236(aa)(9)(v)]. This element is required for this industry segment.


Quantity of natural gas transferred to third parties [98.236(aa)(9)(v)]. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.


The sum of the reported feed rates for all AGR units in Table D.1 is greater than the total reported quantity of natural gas received by the facility in Table AA.3. Please check that the feed rates in Table D.1 are in million cubic feet per year and the quantity in Table AA.3 is in thousand standard cubic feet per year. If this is an error, please correct the values. If it is correct, please submit the values as is.

New validations to ensure consistency between the specified data elements in Subpart W and Subpart NN will also be performed after report generation.  These validation messages are not critical errors (i.e., do not prevent submission) and may be ignored if you believe the data you have entered is correct.

Validation Check ID

Validation Message


The quantity of gas received, {WReportedQuantityOfGas} Mscf, reported under Subpart W differs from the quantity of natural gas received, {NNReportedQuantityOfGas } Mscf, reported under Subpart NN.  Please double check your report and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the report as is.


Facility reported as a fractionator of NGL products under Subpart W, but did not report as a fractionator in Subpart NN.  Please double check your report and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the report as is.


The quantity of gas added to storage, {WReportedQuantityOfGasToStorage} Mscf, reported under Subpart W differs from the volume of gas placed into storage (including liquefied and stored), {NNReportedQuantityOfGasToStorage } Mscf, reported under Subpart NN. Please double check your report and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the report as is.


The quantity of gas transferred to third parties, {WReportedQuantityOfGasTransferred} Mscf, reported under Subpart W differs from the volume of gas delivered to inter/intra-state pipelines or other LDCs, {WReportedQuantityOfGasTransferred } Mscf, reported under Subpart NN. Please double check your report and revise, if necessary. If you believe it to be correct, please submit the report as is.

Report Certification

Reporters are responsible for reviewing the populated data that is generated and confirming that it is accurate and in compliance with the requirements of Part 98 prior to certifying and submitting the greenhouse gas emissions report.

See Also

Subpart W - Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems

Facility Overview

Subpart NN - Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids

Subpart NN Fractionator GHG Information

Subpart NN LDC GHG Information

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