Q283. How should the "physical street address" be reported for facilities located offshore??

A283. If your facility is offshore and therefore does not have a physical street address, you should provide a comma-delimited WGS84 "latitude, longitude" coordinate pair with decimal degrees to four places or better. A recreational-grade GPS system provides this level of accuracy. Alternately, you may use an online satellite view such as Google maps, by zooming in, right-clicking on your facility and selecting "What's Here?." The search text box will display the "latitude, longitude" coordinates for the selected location up to six decimal places.

If your facility is offshore, provide latitude-longitude for street address as noted above and enter the following values for City, State and Zip.
              City: "Offshore"
              State: nearest US state
              Zip: "00000"

For more information on entering latitude and longitude in e-GGRT please refer to FAQ 758

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Source: Brian B. Cook 6/21/2012 revised per M. Kolian 7/2/2013

Approval / Publishing History: Version 3

Expiration : None

Relevant Subparts:  e-GRRT Facility Registration

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History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

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