Subpart A U.S. Parent Companies

The text below describes how to add Parent Companies. The process to edit an existing Parent Company is essentially similar.

Click image to expand

Starting on the Subpart A Overview page, click the link titled "ADD a Parent Company".

To edit an existing Parent Company, click on the edit icon or the Parent Company link, which is the first column in the U.S. PARENT COMPANIES SUMMARY table.

To delete an existing Parent Company, click on the delete icon, which is the last column in the U.S. PARENT COMPANIES SUMMARY table.

Click image to expand

For each highest-level United States Parent Company as of December 31 of the year for which data are being reported, report the following data:

  • Corporate Parent Name
  • Percentage of ownership interest
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code

When you are finished, click SAVE.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart A Report
Subpart A NAICS Codes
Subpart A U.S. Parent Companies
Subpart A Additional Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart Validation Report

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