Subpart HH Emissions Information

This page provides a step-by-step description of how to enter data on the methane generation and emissions from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills as required by Subpart HH of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP).

Before entering emissions information, you must provide detailed information about your MSW landfill including whether or not your landfill has a Gas Collection System (see "Landfill Details" Summary Information for this Facility)

Click image to expand

If there is no Gas Collection System at your Landfill:

From the Subpart Overview page, click the OPEN button located opposite "Methane Generation and Emissions for Landfills without LFG Collection Systems."

Click image to expand

Enter the value for CH4 generation, adjusted for oxidation, from the landfill in the reporting year (in metric tons of CH4):

  • Hover over an element in the equation to read a definition of that element as needed.
  • This equation may be calculated using the spreadsheet tool for Equation HH-5. Spreadsheets are also available for calculating inputs to Equation HH-5. Use the Subpart H-1 and HH-2, HH-3 spreadsheets to calculate inputs to Equation HH-5 as needed.
  • To use the spreadsheet tool, download it by clicking the link labeled "Use HH-5 spreadsheet to calculate."
  • Fill in the spreadsheet completely using the instructions provided in the tool.
  • After completing the spreadsheet, copy the value of CH4 calculated by the spreadsheet to this page in the box bordered in red.

When you have entered the information, click SAVE. Then click Subpart Overview to return to the Subpart Overview page.

If there is a Gas Collection System at your Landfill:

From the Subpart Overview page, click the OPEN button located opposite "Methane Generation and Emissions for Landfills with LFG Collection systems."

Click image to expand

Enter the following values (in metric tons of CH4):

  • Modeled CH4 generation, adjusted for oxidation (using Equation HH-5)
  • Measured CH4 generation, adjusted for oxidation (using Equation HH-7)
  • CH4 emissions from the landfill during the reporting year (using Equation HH-6) along with an indication of whether this is a measured (output of Equation HH-4) or modeled (output of Equation HH-1) value
  • CH4 emissions from the landfill during the reporting year (using Equation HH-8)

For each equation:

  • Hover over an element in the equation to read a definition of that element as needed.
  • The equation may be calculated using the spreadsheet tool provided. Spreadsheets are also available for calculating inputs to the equations. Use the Subpart HH-1, HH-2, HH-3, and HH-4 spreadsheets to calculate inputs as needed.
  • Download the spreadsheet tool by clicking the link labeled "Use HH-n spreadsheet to calculate."
  • Fill in the spreadsheet completely using the instructions provided in the tool.
  • After completing the spreadsheet, copy the value of CH4 calculated by the spreadsheet to this page in the box bordered in red.

Note for Equations HH-6, HH-7, and HH-8: The calculation spreadsheet file for Equations HH-6, HH-7, and HH-8 has several tabs which are appropriate for different numbers of destruction devices and monitoring/measurement locations at the landfill. Please consult the "Using Subpart HH Calculation Spreadsheets" help screens to ensure appropriate use of the various tabs.

In addition, the following information is collected:

  • Annual volume of landfill gas collected for destruction (in scf)
  • Indicate if a missing data procedure was used to determine the volume of the landfill gas collected for destruction (information about appropriate procedures for estimating missing data is found in §98.345)
    • If a missing data procedure was used, enter the number of days when substitute data were used to determine the volume of the landfill gas collected for destruction
  • Annual average concentration of CH4 of landfill gas collected for destruction
  • Indicate if a missing data procedure was used to determine the concentration of CH4 in landfill gas collected for destruction (information about appropriate procedures for estimating missing data are found in §98.345)
    • If a missing data procedure was used and the CH4 concentration is monitored continuously, enter the number of days substitute data were used to determine the annual average CH4 concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction
    • If a missing data procedure was used and the CH4 concentration is monitored weekly, enter the number of weeks substitute data were used to determine the annual average CH4 concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction
    • In the case of multiple measurement locations, you may enter values for both days and weeks when CH4 concentration is measured continuously at some locations, and weekly at others.
  • Indicate (yes/no) if temperature was incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection system's monitoring equipment
    • If temperature was not incorporated into the internal calculations run by the collection system's monitoring equipment, enter the average monthly temperature at which the landfill gas flow was measured (in degrees Rankine) for each month of the reporting year.
  • Indicate (yes/no) if pressure was incorporated into internal calculations run by the collection system's monitoring equipment
    • If pressure was not incorporated into the internal calculations run by the collection system's monitoring equipment, enter the average monthly pressure at which the landfill gas flow was measured (in atmospheres) for each month of the reporting year.
  • Indicate whether landfill gas flow was measured on a wet or a dry basis and whether CH4 concentration was measured on a wet or a dry basis
    • If landfill gas flow was measured on a wet basis and CH4 concentration was measured on a dry basis, or gas flow was measured on a dry basis and CH4 concentration was measured on a wet basis, provide the monthly average moisture content (expressed as a decimal fraction) for each month of the reporting year.
  • Indicate whether landfill gas destruction occurred at the facility (on-site), off-site, or both
    • If any landfill gas destruction occurred at the facility (you answered 'on-site' or 'both' to the previous questions), indicate if a back-up destruction device is present at the facility

When you have entered the information, click SAVE. You will be brought back to the top of the "GHG Reporting" page at which time you may check over the information entered. When you have completed your check, click Subpart Overview to return to the Subpart Overview page.

Click image to expand

From the Subpart Overview page,press the OPEN button located opposite "Estimated Waste Depths."

Click image to expand

For landfills with a gas collection system in place, the following information must be entered on the estimate waste depths (in meters) for each area below (as listed in Table HH-3):

  • Depth of area with no waste in place (A1, in meters). Note: In many cases, the depth of area with no waste in place will be zero.
  • Depth of area without active gas collection, regardless of cover type (A2, in meters)
  • Depth of area with daily soil cover and active gas collection (A3, in meters)
  • Depth of area with an intermediate soil cover, or a final soil cover not meeting the criteria below (A5), and active gas collection (A4, in meters)
  • Depth of area with a final soil cover of 3 feet or thicker of clay and/or geomembrane cover system and active gas collection (A5, in meters)

When you have entered the information, click SAVE. You will be brought back to the top of the "GHG Reporting" page at which time you may check over the information you entered. When you have completed your check, click Subpart Overview to return to the Subpart Overview page.

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See Also

Screen Errors
Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart HH Report
Subpart HH Summary Information for this Facility
Subpart HH Waste Information
Subpart Validation Report

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)