I have an existing Login.gov account

If you have an existing Login.gov account you will be able to link to that account when you perform your one-time migration.

To begin the process, go to the login page at https://ghgreporting.epa.gov (If you have previously used e-GGRT, you will notice that the password field has been removed from the username section).

Click this link to expand

Enter your username and click the NEXT button.

You will then be prompted to enter your password. You may use the "Forgot Password?" link to recover your password, if necessary.

Click this link to expand

The following page will be displayed:

Click this link to expand

Click the "Proceed to Login.gov" button to begin the one-time migration process.

You will then be redirected to the Login.gov site.

The Login.gov screenshots below are from a test site and are displayed as examples. The actual Login.gov screens may differ slightly.

Click this link to expand

Make sure that "Sign in" is selected towards the top of page (it should be the default selection).

Next, enter your email address and password, then click the "Sign in" button near the bottom of the page.

A one-time code will be sent to you depending on the authentication method that you chose during your Login.gov account setup.

In this example, "Text or voice message" was selected as the authentication method as it is the most common option used.

After receiving your one-time code, enter the code and click the "Submit" button.

Click this link to expand

If authentication is successful, you will be returned to the portal landing page.

Click this link to expand

Click the GO button next to the e-GGRT logo and you will see that you are logged in and may now use e-GGRT.

Click this link to expand

The one-time migration process is complete.

Once you have connected your e-GGRT account to a Login.gov account, you cannot re-connect it to a different Login.gov account after the one-time migration.

If you delete your Login.gov account, it will render any connected e-GGRT accounts unusable - they cannot be retrieved or restored and you will need to register a new e-GGRT account, sign a new Electronic Signature and Use Agreement (ESA), and repeat the migration process from the beginning.

Refer to the New e-GGRT Login Process page for more information on logging into e-GGRT.

Click here to return to the main "Login.gov Migration Process" page.

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)