Login.gov Migration Process

As of August 17, 2024 all e-GGRT users will need to use Login.gov credentials to access e-GGRT. This has been implemented agency-wide for all CDX based logins, including e-GGRT.

You will need to undergo a one-time “migration” by logging into e-GGRT and having e-GGRT connect your account to a Login.gov account. If you do not have a Login.gov account, you will be prompted to create one during account migration. Once you have completed the migration, the e-GGRT system will rely on the Login.gov multi-factor authentication process to grant access to e-GGRT.

Note: If you use your e-GGRT login credentials for other EPA CDX applications and have already completed this step in CDX, no further action is needed.

Detailed instructions for the one-time migration process:

Detailed instructions for logging in to e-GGRT following the one-time migration process:

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