Reporting Form Instructions

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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


For each applicable subpart from the list below, users must report their facility’s GHG data using an Excel-based Reporting Form which may be downloaded as described below. The Reporting Forms are meant to provide reporters with a simple and straightforward means for reporting required data and information for the subparts listed below:

  • Subpart E - Adipic Acid Production
  • Subpart F - Aluminum Production
  • Subpart I - Electronics Manufacturing
  • Subpart O - HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction
  • Subpart R - Lead Production
  • Subpart S - Lime Manufacturing (CEMS users only)
  • Subpart U - Miscellaneous Uses of Carbonate
  • Subpart V - Nitric Acid Production
  • Subpart W - Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
  • Subpart Z - Phosphoric Acid Production
  • Subpart BB - Silicon Carbide Production
  • Subpart CC - Soda Ash Manufacturing
  • Subpart DD - Use of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment
  • Subpart EE - Titanium Dioxide Production
  • Subpart FF - Underground Coal Mines
  • Subpart GG - Zinc Production
  • Subpart II - Industrial Wastewater Treatment
  • Subpart LL - Supplies of Coal-based Liquid Fuels
  • Subpart MM - Suppliers of Petroleum Products
  • Subpart QQ - Importers and Exporters of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Contained in Pre-Charged Equipment or Closed-Cell Foams
  • Subpart OO - Suppliers of Industrial Greenhouse Gases
  • Subpart SS - Manufacture of Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment

Please Note: Inputs to equations whose reporting was deferred until 2013 must be reported to EPA by April 1, 2013 for Reporting Years 2010, 2011, and 2012, as applicable, if you are reporting, or have reported, under subparts C, D, DD, FF, HH, II, SS, and/or TT. For more information please visit Reports for RY2010 and RY2011 Resubmitted with Equation Input Data That Is No Longer Deferred.

Step 1. Download a Reporting Form

All reporting forms have been updated and replaced as of February 11, 2013. Previous versions of the reporting forms are no longer acceptable. Please download an updated version of the appropriate form(s) below.

To download the reporting form(s) for a subpart:

  1. Find the subpart in the table below
  2. Click the linked filename(s) in the second column
  3. Save the file(s) to your computer in a location of your choosing
  4. If your facility uses CEMS to calculate emissions under this subpart, you must also download a separate CEMS Reporting Form by clicking the CEMS Reporting Form.xls link at the bottom of the table
  5. Repeat 1-4 for each applicable subpart (note that multiple Reporting Forms may be required for Subparts O and OO)



EPA has made several changes to the e-GGRT application and reporting forms for Reporting Year 2024.  Be sure that you have downloaded the most recent version of the reporting form(s) before you begin preparing your report.

Important Information about Reporting Forms


Step 2. Enter data into the reporting form

Once all applicable Reporting Forms have been saved to your computer, open each file, and enter the required information according to the general guidance provided below and the instructions provided within each Reporting Form. Always remember to save each completed Reporting Form when finished.


  • Do Not Skip Rows in reporting form tables.


  •          Do not save files as .XLSM (macro enabled excel) files. Some users may be presented


  • warnings that Visual Basic code may be deleted if the file is not saved as a .XLSM. Please ignore these warning and save


  • with an .XLS or .XLSX extension. EPA does not include VBA or excel macros in its reporting forms.
  •          Please use caution if you must Cut and Paste from other sources. EPA urges users who cut and paste to always use Paste Special / Values or as text when pasting. Failure to cut and paste as directed may damage your reporting form, forcing you to start again with an empty form. Use of the Paste Special / Values will ensure that formatting and cell protection is not altered. If you use cut and paste processes and later encounter problems with your reporting form please contact the GHGRP Help Desk
  •          Use the correct version of the reporting form. In some cases, reporting forms change from year to year.  The table below shows the years that a particular form can be used.  If the table below does not include the subpart and/or year of interest, see the Prior Year Reporting Forms page. 

Download Reporting Forms
Download Reporting Forms

Download Reporting Forms

Excerpt Include
Reporting Forms
Reporting Forms

Using Reporting Forms
Using Reporting Forms
titleUsing Reporting Forms
: General Guidance

Color Coding
The reporting forms contain blue input cells, gray informational cells and black deactivated cells. Users should use blue input cells to enter all data specific to their facility, unit, or process. Gray informational cells contain parameter names, column and row headings, equation constants, subtotals and other instructional items. As you progress through a reporting form, you may notice some blue input cells changing to black deactivated cells. Black deactivated cells are not applicable to the user based on previous data entries in the form. Users should not enter data into these cells. All cells that are not blue input cells are locked and cannot be modified or do not require data from the user.

Image Modified

Blue input cell (data entry)

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Gray informational cell (locked)

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Black deactivated cell (not applicable, no data required)

Image Modified

Deactivated cell with data (data should be deleted)

Stop and Warning Messages
The reporting forms will display a stop message if the user enters a value that is invalid or a warning message if the user enters a value outside the EPA-estimated range for a particular data element. For invalid data entries (such as text entered where numerical data is required), the stop messages will not allow the user to proceed, and the user must reenter valid data before moving forward. For data entries that are outside the EPA estimated range for a particular data element, the warning messages will alert the user but provide the option to continue if the user deems the entered value to be accurate.

Reporting Unit-Level Data for Multiple Units
For subparts where unit-level data are required, the reporting form will typically provide space to enter data for up to 10 processes or process units. If additional space is needed, additional copies of the form should be completed and submitted.

Subpart-Specific Form Instructions
Within each reporting form, two types of instructions are provided to guide users as they complete the form. General table instructions are provided above each table within the form. More specific instructions will appear in little yellow boxes when the user clicks in a blue input data cell.

Step 1. Download a Reporting Form

To download the reporting form(s) for a subpart:

  1. Find the subpart in the table below
  2. Click the linked filename(s) in the second column
  3. Save the file(s) to your computer in a location of your choosing
  4. If your facility uses CEMS to calculate emissions under Subparts R, Z, BB, CC, EE, or GG, you must also download a separate CEMS Reporting Form by clicking the CEMS Reporting Form.xls link at the bottom of the table

Repeat 1-4 for each applicable subpart (note that multiple Reporting Forms may be required for Subparts W and OO)

Step 2. Enter data into the reporting form

Once all applicable Reporting Forms have been saved to your computer, open each file, and enter the required information according to the general guidance provided below and the instructions provided within each Reporting Form. Always remember to save each completed Reporting Form when finished.

Step 3. Submit Completed Reporting Forms to e-GGRT


Some e-GGRT reporting form upload pages also require you to enter GHG emissions data for a subpart. Please ensure that you provide all of the requested data for each applicable subpart.


Composition Setup



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Once finished uploading and entering data on the subpart summary page, click SAVE.

Validation Report

Excerpt Include
Subpart Validation Report
Subpart Validation Report


See Also

Screen Errors
Subpart Validation Report

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)