Issues and Workarounds for e-GGRT
Composition Setup |
If you submit GHG annual reports via the bulk XML upload method, see XML Known Issues.
Subject Area |
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{center}Description{center} |
Issue: More recent versions of Google Chrome insert a check box onto many of the dialog/message boxes generated by e-GGRT. If this "Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs" check box is selected, Chrome will prevent e-GGRT from presenting important dialog boxes that are important to e-GGRT screen flows. For example, if the box is selected and e-GGRT subsequently attempt to display a dialog box asking you to confirm that you wish to delete a unit, Chrome will prevent the display of the dialog box and the application will appear to be broken. This behavior will continue for the remainder of your Chrome session.
Workaround: Do not select the "Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs" check box when using Chrome. If you do, you should shut down and restart Chrome to enable Chrome to display dialog boxes from e-GGRT.
Reference #6344
RESOLVED 3/5/16. Application will now display a message explaining how to fix the corrupted Excel workbook.
Issue: The e-GGRT application may display a "We're Sorry" error page immediately after attempting to upload an Excel-based reporting form (subparts L, R, V, W, DD, FF, MM, OO, QQ, SS). The cause of this error is a corrupted Excel workbook.
Reference #6724
RESOLVED 3/1/16.
Issue: The e-GGRT application may display a "We're Sorry" error page when attempting to enter IVT Equation C-3/C-8, C-4/C-8, or C-5/C-8 inputs for an "other" fuel or "blend" that is not on Table C-1, but has been added to the e-GGRT system by the facility.
Reference #6739
RESOLVED 2/27/16.
Issue: Subpart C validation message C125 may appear on your validation report despite all of the required information being provided.
Reference #6689
RESOLVED 2/17/16. Please open each fuel reported in Subpart D and review the reported emissions data, then click "SAVE" when you are finished reviewing the fuel's data. Clicking "SAVE" will re-calculate facility-level methane and nitrous oxide emissions.
Issue: Methane and nitrous oxide emissions for Subpart D units are not being aggregated into total facility-wide methane and nitrous oxide emissions for a facility.
Reference #6668
RESOLVED 3/4/16. Updated version 5.0 of regular and supersize reporting form available for use (earlier versions of V5.0 remain valid)
Issue: A number of minor issues have been identified with the Subpart W Reporting Form for RY2015 (regular and Supersize), as described below:
1. (d) Acid gas removal units/Table D.6/Column E – added instructions for reporting missing data procedures used for Volo ;
2. (l) Well testing/Instructions – deleted extraneous directions;
3. (l) Well testing/Table L.1/Column J – corrected header to refer to “well(s)”;
4. (m) Associated NG/Instructions – deleted extraneous instructions;
5. (m) Associated NG/Table M.1/Column D – corrected header to refer to “Sub-Basin” rather than “Basin”, and to correctly describe the unit of measure as “standard cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil”;
6. (n) Flare stacks/Cell B27 – corrected cell formatting to improve text visibility;
7. (o) Centrifugal compressors/Table O.1/Column H – corrected header to show correct date formatting (mm/dd/yyyy);
8. (o) Centrifugal compressors/Table O.2.i – removed Excel form row validation related to “row skipping”;
9. (o) Centrifugal compressors/Table O.6_O.4/Column G – corrected formatting of “measured volume” pulldown option;
10. (o) Centrifugal compressors/Supersize form only/Table O.6_O.4/Cell G2120 – corrected cell formatting to improve text visibility;
11. (p) Reciprocating compressors/Table P.2.i – edited error message for “row skipping”;
12. (p) Reciprocating compressors/Table P.3.i/Column H – revised column header and added directions for reporting both “standby pressurized” and “not operating depressurized” compressor IDs in a combined text string in Column H;
13. (p) Reciprocating compressors/Table P.6_O.4/Column G – corrected formatting of “measured volume” pulldown option;
14. (p) Reciprocating compressors/Supersize form only/Table P.6_O.4/Cell G2098 – corrected cell formatting to improve text visibility, corrected formatting of “measured volume” pulldown option;
15. (x) EOR hydrocarbon liquids/Cell B18 – corrected cell formatting to improve text visibility.
RESOLVED 3/4/16. Updated version of Optional calculation workbook is now available.
Issue: A number of issues have been identified with the RY15 Optional calculation workbook (original updated 2/26/16). The updated workbook, dated 3/4/2016, is available at Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions as is a change log detailing the specific modifications made.
RESOLVED 3/19/16. Updated the XML schema to expand enumerations for type of fuels for the Combustion Equipment source.
Issue: For the Combustion Equipment source two enumerations for Type of Fuel were missing a number of fuels. These fuels have now been added to the enumeration and schema and these are now consistent with the fuel choices presented in the reporting form. Please review the content on Subpart W XML Reporting Help for additional detail.
RESOLVED 2/17/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-calculate total methane and nitrous oxide emissions.
Issue: Total methane and nitrous oxide emissions for Subpart W are not being calculated correctly. In Reporting Year 2014 (and prior years), methane and nitrous oxide emissions were reported in units of metric tons of CO2 equivalent, requiring division by Global Warming Potentials to yield methane and nitrous oxide emission totals in metric tons of each gas. A defect in the e-GGRT RY2015 application is resulting in 'division by GWP' to continue, despite the fact that RY15 methane and nitrous oxide quantities are already in units of metric tons.
Reference #6670
RESOLVED 2/27/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(aa) - Facility Overview: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W1613
Reference #6557
RESOLVED 2/27/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(aa) - Facility Overview: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W1950, W1951
Reference #6731
RESOLVED 2/23/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(b) - NG Pneumatic Device: The following validation mjessage(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W1591, W1593, W1595
Reference #6686
RESOLVED 2/24/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(d) - Acid Gas Removal Units: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W1765, W1803
Reference #6669, 6688
RESOLVED 2/19/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your reporting form.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(d) - Acid Gas Removal Units: Several validation messages related to Acid Gas Removal Units are not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation IDs for messages that are not always working correctly are: W1778 and W1780.
Reference #6635
RESOLVED 2/27/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(e) - Dehydrators: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W2013
Reference #6684
RESOLVED 2/23/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(f) - Liquids Unloading: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W2565, W2556, W2562
Reference #6681
RESOLVED 2/27/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(g,h) - Completions & Workovers: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W3068, W3081
Reference #6687
RESOLVED 2/24/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(i) - Blowdown Vent Stacks: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W3508
Reference #6693
RESOLVED 2/24/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(i) - Blowdown Vent Stacks: The following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W3527
Reference #6720
RESOLVED 2/19/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your reporting form.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(j) - Production Storage Tanks: Several validation messages related to Production Storage Tanks are not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation IDs for messages that are not always working correctly are: W1861, W1864, W1865, W1867, W1869, W1838, W1872, W1874, W1876, W1879, W1881, W1883, and W1885.
Reference #6637
RESOLVED 2/19/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your reporting form.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(l) - Well Venting: Several validation messages related to Well Venting are not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation IDs for messages that are not always working correctly are: W4506, W4512, W4513, W4524, W4526, W4528, W4529, and W4531.
Reference #6612, 6630
RESOLVED 2/19/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your reporting form.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(p) - Reciprocating Compressors: Several validation messages related to Reciprocating Compressors are not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation IDs for messages that are not always working correctly are: W6533 and W6539.
Reference #6597
RESOLVED 2/27/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W super-size reporting form and re-generate a new annual GHG report..
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(p) - Reciprocating Compressors: If using the "supersize" reporting form, the following validation message(s) may appear on your validation report incorrectly: W6549 and W6599. Data that is supplied in the supersize reporting form for Table P.5 is not extracted from the spreadsheet upon load and as a result is NOT included in the annual GHG report that is generated by e-GGRT. Due to this software error, validations W6549 and W6599 appear where not expected.
Reference #6715
RESOLVED 3/12/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(p) - Reciprocating Compressors: Validation messages related to Equipment Leaks are not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation IDs for the messages that are not always working correctly are: W6594, W6595.
Reference #6758
RESOLVED 3/5/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(q,r) - Equipment Leaks: A validation message related to Equipment Leaks is not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation ID for the message that is not always working correctly is: W9167.
Reference #6721
RESOLVED 3/5/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your data.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(q,r) - Equipment Leaks: Validation messages related to Equipment Leaks are not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation IDs for the messages that are not always working correctly are: W9163 and W9165.
Reference #6751
RESOLVED 2/19/16. Please re-upload your Subpart W reporting form and e-GGRT will re-validate your reporting form.
Issue: Subpart W; source 98.236(q,r) - Equipment Leaks: Several validation messages related to Equipment Leaks are not working properly and may appear on your validation report incorrectly. Validation IDs for messages that are not always working correctly are: W9202.
Reference #6660
RESOLVED 3/12/16.
Issue: In some cases, validation messages HH064-1 and/or HH064-2 (which indicate that the Equation HH-5 result is missing) may appear on your Validation Report, despite the Equation HH-5 result being present in your annual report.
Reference #6766
Issue: Cell J92 on the importer tab of the Importer / Exporter reporting form and Cell E35 on the Onsite Transformation Tab of the Producer Reporting Form are missing the formula for CASNR and that missing data prevents that quantities on that row from being added into the summary report and overall emission numbers.
Workaround: User may either download a new version of the reporting form with issue corrected or may simply leave row 92 on the importer tab or row 35 on the Onsite Transformation tab blank
RESOLVED 3/5/16.
Issue: May receive a "We're Sorry" error page from e-GGRT when trying to edit a waste stream.
Reference #6745
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General Reporting | Report display - Issue Resolved 3/15/2024, however XML files uploaded prior to the fix will continue to display incorrectly. XML files uploaded after the fix was applied on 3/15/2024 will display properly. Issue: Some XML uploaders have been unable to view their Report or their Public View on the Final Review page. When attempting to view the annual report, the e-GGRT system may display information in a new window in a format that is difficult to read. Reference: #3071 | |
Facility Registration | Latency when updating the COR - Issue Resolved 2/22/2024 Issue: Users making updates to the Designated Representative or Alternative Designated Representative may experience delays (apparently unresponsive system or an extended time with the work-in-process indicator) after clicking the save button or after providing the electronic signature to finalize a change. e-GGRT does process the requested change, but the screen may take more than minute to refresh. This delay may also occur for other changes to the Certificate of Representation like address or owner/operator changes. Reference: #3046 |
See Also Frequently Asked Questions