Subpart LL requires affected facilities to report CO2 emissions resulting from complete combustion or oxidation of fossil-fuel products (besides coal or crude oil) produced, used as feedstock, imported, or exported and any biomass co-processed with fossil fuel-based feedstocks. To satisfy the Subpart LL reporting requirements you will first download the Subpart LL reporting form(s). Use the link provided to access the form(s) and find instructions for completing those forms. Please note that Subpart LL uses two different reporting forms, depending of the the reporting year. For RY2010, RY2011, or RY2012 please use Version 2 of the reporting form (Subpart LL Reporting Form V.02 for RY10-12.xls). For RY2013 and later please use Version 3 of the reporting form (Subpart LL Reporting Form V.03 for RY2013 and later.xls). After complete your form, you will upload the completed form(s) using the e-GGRT page for Subpart LL.
For additional information about Subpart LL reporting, please use the e-GGRT Help link(s) provided.
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