Please see Reporting Form Instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.
You may also refer to Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions to download the Subpart II calculation spreadsheet.
1.) Fill out the general information table.
- GHGRP ID is required. (the GHGRP ID on the reporting form must match the facility ID in e-GGRT)
- Reporting Year is required. (for RY2012 this must be reported as "2012")
2.) Attach the diagram and description of the wastewater treatment system at the facility in e-GGRT.
Click image to expand
3.) Fill out the anaerobic process information table
- Indicate the anaerobic process
- Indicate a unique name or ID (must be exactly the same throughout the reporting form)
- Indicate the name of the attachment for the diagram and description
- If the process is an anaerobic lagoon
- Indicate the depth of the lagoon
- If the process is an anaerobic lagoon or reactor
- Indicate if the facility measures COD or BOD5 concentration
- Indicate if biogas is recovered
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