Please see Reporting Form Instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.
The introductory block on the Subpart FF reporting form includes:
- Worksheet instructions as follows: It is intended for the user to complete all the sheets in this workbook, as applicable. If certain sheets are not applicable, for example if a facility has no degasification wells, then the user should not complete those sheets. Calculation support is provided for Equations FF-2, FF-4, FF-6, and FF-7 in this workbook on the emissions summary (Tab 10). Calculation support for other equations is not provided because not all equation inputs are collected.
- Reporting Form Version Number
- External links to help content and guidance on EPA's web page and at
- Workbook navigation links which allow you to quickly move to each page within the workbook.
The Table 1a, general information includes:
- Facility Name is an optional field
- GHGRP ID is required. (the GHGRP ID on the reporting form must match the facility ID in e-GGRT)
- Reporting Year is required. (while this defaults to a blank it must a reporting year must be selected. e-GGRT will check to ensure that the reporting year indicated is consistent with the year for which that form is submitted.) Note: Many date validations use the reporting year to establish allowable ranges, so the reporting year should be selected before you move to other tabs within the workbook.
- MSHA Individual Identification Number. (this seven digit id is required for RY2013 and later only. For RY2011 & 2012 this field is disabled. If your facility has multiple MSHA IDs they both may be included in comma delimited format. But if multiple MSHA ID numbers are used, your facility must meet the definition of Facility in 40 CFR §98.6.).
- Comments (optional)
Table 1b includes:
- Quarter (column not editable)
- Quarterly CO2 emissions from onsite destruction of coal mine gas CH4, where the gas is not a fuel input for energy generation or use (e.g., flaring) (these data are created and edited on Tab 10 and copied to this summary page automatically)
- Quarterly CO2 emissions from onsite destruction of coal mine gas CH4, where the gas is not a fuel input for energy generation or use (e.g., flaring). This data must be entered manually into the reporting form and is not automatically calculated from any other worksheet in the form. A value of "0" or greater must be entered for each quarter.
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