How to Submit an Annual Report

Once you have finished entering your data in e-GGRT, you are ready to generate, then submit your annual report.

To begin, log in to e-GGRT.

From the e-GGRT home page, click the DATA REPORTING tab and follow the steps below.

Step 1. Select a facility or supplier

Find the facility or supplier in the REPORTING FACILITIES table and click the OPEN button.

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Step 2. Generate your annual report

In the FINAL REVIEW and REPORT SUBMISSIONS table, click the GO button.

Clicking on the GO button begins the process of generating an annual report. Clicking this button does NOT submit your report.

The process generally takes less than 1 minute and you can wait for the process to complete, or you may leave e-GGRT and return at a later time.

Note you can delete annual reports that have not been certified by clicking the red "X" icon in the FINAL REVIEW and REPORT SUBMISSION section.

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On the following page, if your report is successfully generated the status will show as "Ready for Review". If there are any potential errors in the report, messages related to the potential errors will be displayed in the FINAL REVIEW RESULTS section of the page.

You may return to the data reporting screens to make any necessary changes. Please note those changes will not be reflected in the annual report until you return to the Facility or Supplier Overview page and click the GO button in the FINAL REVIEW and REPORT SUBMISSION table. This will regenerate the report with any corrections you have made.

Click the "CONTINUE with SUBMISSION" button to proceed to the remaining steps of report review and certification.

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Step 3. Review your annual report

You may generate your report, review the XML and/or HTML report, correct reported data as necessary, and repeat as many times as you wish. The report generation process creates an annual report for your review, but does not submit any data to EPA. If you do not want to proceed to Submit and Certify (Step 4), click the BACK button to return to the Facility Overview page.

This page offers a number of features which provide different ways to review your reported data or inputs including:

    • Report: opens a browser window with a textual presentation of your reported data suitable for printing
    • XML: opens your default XML viewer, usually a browser window and present your reported data in XML format
    • Download XML: creates an XML version of your reported data which can be saved
    • View Public Report: opens a browser window with a textual presentation of your reported data which will eventually be released to the public (similar to your full report but without any data which is considered confidential business information) 
    • View Public XML: opens a viewing window presenting the reported data that will eventually be released to the public in an XML format

    • View Messages: allows you to view Data Entry Validation messages and Final Review messages that were generated, if any

    • Trend Report by CO2e: presents a graphical comparison of CO2e emissions from your facility by year
    • Trend Report By Gas: presents a graphical comparison of emissions by gas and year

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If you are an Agent and the Designated Representative (DR) or Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) has not electronically signed the Notice of Delegation (NOD), you will not see the "CONTINUE with SUBMISSION" button.

Instead, you will see a message near the bottom of page as shown in the screen shot below. You will not be able to continue to Step 4 of the report submission process.

For more information about the Notice of Delegation, click here.

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Step 4. Submit and Certify your annual report

To submit and certify your annual report to EPA, click the "CONTINUE with SUBMISSION" button near the bottom of the page.

Before e-GGRT begins the certification / submission process, the system checks if you have included all the subparts reported in the prior reporting year again in the current reporting year.  If you have dropped a subpart which was reported last year, you will have to provide additional information to explain why that subpart was dropped as shown on the following screen shot.

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After selecting one of the radio buttons, click the SAVE button.

If you have not dropped a subpart you will continue directly to the CERTIFY AND SEND page.

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On the CERTIFY AND SEND page, you will see three options (click on the links below for details and instructions about each option): 

For information and instructions on how to view, download, or resubmit a previous submission, click here.

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2023.R.01)