Critical Validation Checks for Subpart V

Certain validation checks which are considered critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate your submission package or upload your XML-based submission. These checks are presented to the reporter when they attempt to generate or regenerate their submission or after they attempt to upload an XML-based submission. These checks are signified with a stop sign in your validation report.   The table below provides a list of critical errors.   Additional technical information that may assist XML uploaders is also available at XML Upload Critical Errors.  If you feel that you have triggered one of these checks in error, or if there’s a reason why your report should be submitted despite the check being triggered, you may submit a request to the e-GGRT Help Desk at

ALL0001VData QualityCAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide.
ALL0002VData QualityLinear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide.
IVT-V001VData CompletenessYou have not yet uploaded an equation inputs form. Please upload an equation inputs form for this Nitric Acid Production facility.
IVT-V002VScreen ErrorGHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility.
IVT-V003VScreen ErrorReporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year.
IVT-V004VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V005VData CompletenessAnnual nitric acid produced from nitric acid train. This data element is required.
IVT-V006VScreen ErrorAnnual Nitric Acid Produced from Nitric Acid Train. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.
IVT-V009VData CompletenessSelect which of the following equations are used to calculate emissions for this production unit. This data element is required.
IVT-V010VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V011VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V012VData CompletenessTest Run Number. This data element is required.
IVT-V013VData CompletenessN2O concentration per test run during the performance test. This data element is required.
IVT-V014VData CompletenessVolumetric flow rate of effluent gas per test run during the performance test. This data element is required.
IVT-V015VData CompletenessProduction rate per test run during the performance test. This data element is required.
IVT-V016VScreen ErrorProduction rate per test run during the performance test. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.
IVT-V019VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V020VData CompletenessN2O abatement technology Name or ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V021VData CompletenessN2O abatement technology description. This data element is required.
IVT-V022VData CompletenessAnnual nitric acid production from nitric train during which N2O abatement technology was operational. This data element is required.
IVT-V023VScreen ErrorAnnual nitric acid production from nitric acid train during which N2O abatement technology was operational. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.
IVT-V025VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V026VData CompletenessDestruction efficiency of N2O abatement technology that is used on nitric acid train. This data element is required.
IVT-V027VScreen ErrorDestruction efficiency of N2O abatement technology that is used on nitric acid train. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one.
IVT-V030VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V031VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V032VData CompletenessN2O abatement technology Name or ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V033VData CompletenessDestruction efficiency of N2O abatement technology. This data element is required.
IVT-V034VScreen ErrorDestruction efficiency of N2O abatement technology. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one.
IVT-V037VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V038VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V039VData CompletenessN2O abatement technology Name or ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V040VData CompletenessDestruction efficiency of N2O abatement technology. This data element is required.
IVT-V041VScreen ErrorDestruction efficiency of N2O abatement technology. You must enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to one.
IVT-V044VData CompletenessFraction control factor of N2O abatement technology. This data element is required.
IVT-V045VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
IVT-V046VScreen ErrorMultiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the Nitric Acid Train Inputs section of the inputs form.
IVT-V047VScreen ErrorNo corresponding row was found in the reporting form for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the inputs form.
IVT-V048VScreen ErrorNo corresponding row was found in the inputs form for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the reporting form.
IVT-V049VScreen ErrorMultiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the Equation V-1 Train Level Inputs section of the inputs form.
IVT-V050VScreen ErrorMultiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the Equation V-3a Train Level Inputs section of the inputs form.
IVT-V051VScreen ErrorMultiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the Equation V-3b Train Level Inputs section of the inputs form.
IVT-V052VScreen ErrorMultiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the Equation V-3c Train Level Inputs section of the inputs form.
IVT-V053VScreen ErrorMultiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the Equation V-3d Train Level Inputs section of the inputs form.
IVT-V055VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-1 train level inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}".
IVT-V056VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-1 test run inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}".
IVT-V057VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-2 inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}".
IVT-V058VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-3a inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}".
IVT-V059VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-3b train level inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}".
IVT-V060VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-3c train level inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}".
IVT-V061VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-3d inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}".
IVT-V062VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-3b technology level inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" and N2O abatement technology "{2}".
IVT-V063VScreen ErrorNo Equation V-3c technology level inputs data was found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" and N2O abatement technology "{2}".
V0010VScreen ErrorGHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility.
V0011VScreen ErrorReporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year.
V0012VData CompletenessTotal Number of Nitric Acid Trains at the Facility. This data element is required.
V0014VData CompletenessTotal Annual Nitric Acid Production for the Facility. This data element is required.
V0016VData CompletenessNitric Acid Train ID. This data element is required.
V0017VData CompletenessNumber of Months that a Missing Data Procedure Was Used to Determine a Monthly Quantity of Nitric Acid Production. This data element is required.
V0019VData CompletenessType of Nitric Acid Process Used by the Train. This data element is required.
V0020VData CompletenessAre N2O Emissions Estimated Using an Administrator-Approved Alternative Method? This data element is required.
V0021VData CompletenessEnter the name of the Alternative Method. This data element is required.
V0022VData CompletenessA description of the Alternative Method. This data element is required.
V0023VData CompletenessThe request date. This data element is required.
V0025VData CompletenessThe approval date. This data element is required.
V0027VData CompletenessNumber of Times in the Reporting Year that a Performance Test had to be Repeated. This data element is required.
V0029VData CompletenessPerformance Test (1 of 3): ID/Description. This data element is required.
V0030VData CompletenessPerformance Test (1 of 3): Test Method Used. This data element is required.
V0031VData CompletenessDoes Nitric Acid Train Exhaust to an N2O Abatement Technology? This data element is required.
V0032VData CompletenessWas Nonselective catalytic reduction (NSCR) used as an abatement technology? This data element is required.
V0033VData CompletenessWere any "other" abatement technologies used? This data element is required.
V0034VData CompletenessA description of the "Other" Abatement Technology. This data element is required.
V0035VData CompletenessAnnual N2O Emissions for the Nitric Acid Train. This data element is required.
V0037VScreen ErrorMultiple rows were found for Nitric Acid Train "{1}" in the reporting form.
V0038VData CompletenessTotal Annual Percent N2O Emission Reduction for All Nitric Acid Trains Combined. This data element is required.
V0039VScreen ErrorTotal Annual Percent N2O Emission Reduction for All Nitric Acid Trains Combined. This value should be reported as a percentage, and should be within the range of 0 to 100 (percent). The value you provided is outside that range. You must correct the current value before continuing.
V004VScreen ErrorFile size is greater than the maximum of 2 MB.
V0040VData CompletenessIs this a previously approved alternative method? This data element is required.
V0041VData CompletenessDate of Installation of Abatement Technology. This data element is required.
V0042VScreen ErrorDate of Installation of Abatement Technology. The date cannot be after 12/31/{1}.
V005VData CompletenessYou have not uploaded a reporting form file.


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