Certain validation checks which are considered critical errors must be corrected before you can successfully generate your submission package or upload your XML-based submission. These checks are presented to the reporter when they attempt to generate or regenerate their submission or after they attempt to upload an XML-based submission. These checks are signified with a stop sign in your validation report. The table below provides a list of critical errors. Additional technical information that may assist XML uploaders is also available at XML Upload Critical Errors. If you feel that you have triggered one of these checks in error, or if there’s a reason why your report should be submitted despite the check being triggered, you may submit a request to the e-GGRT Help Desk at GHGReporting@epa.gov.
ALL0001 | MM | Data Quality | CAS Registry Number. You have reported {1} as the GHGasCASRegistryNumber for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. |
ALL0002 | MM | Data Quality | Linear Chemical Formula. You have reported {1} as the GHGasLinearChemicalFormula for the GHGasName {2}. This data element should not be reported for carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide. |
MM0001 | MM | Screen Error | GHGRP ID. This data element is required and must be equal to the GHGRP ID for the facility. |
MM0002 | MM | Screen Error | Reporting Period. This data element is required and must be equal to the expected reporting year. |
MM0003 | MM | Screen Error | Type of Facility. This data element is required. |
MM0004 | MM | Data Completeness | For refineries, select "In" if the product is entering the refinery or "Out" if the product is leaving the refinery. For importers and exporters, select "Import" if the product is being imported or "Export" if the product is being exported. This data element is required. |
MM0007 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the standard method or industry standard practice used for the product quantity. This data element is required. |
MM0009 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the amount of time that missing data procedures were used (hours). This data element is required. |
MM0011 | MM | Data Completeness | Select the product name code. This data element is required. |
MM0021 | MM | Data Completeness | Select the units for the measured quantity. This data element is required. |
MM0023 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the product quantity. This data element is required. |
MM0035 | MM | Data Completeness | For refineries, select "In" if the product is entering the refinery or "Out" if the product is leaving the refinery. For importers and exporters, select "Import" if the product is being imported or "Export" if the product is being exported. This data element is required. |
MM0038 | MM | Data Completeness | Select the product name code. This data element is required. |
MM0048 | MM | Data Completeness | Select the units for the measured quantity. This data element is required. |
MM0050 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the product annual quantity. This data element is required. |
MM0067 | MM | Data Completeness | A negative value for Product Annual Quantity was entered. A negative product annual quantity may not be entered in this field. Please correct this error and resubmit. |
MM0068 | MM | Data Quality | 0 was entered for the product annual quantity. This form must not be submitted for products where the annual product quantity is zero. If the annual product quantity for the above product(s) was not zero, then you must make the appropriate corrections and resubmit. |
MM0069 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the percent of the product that is petroleum based. This data element is required. |
MM0071 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the Annual CO2 Quantity in Metric Tons. This data element is required. |
MM0076 | MM | Data Completeness | A negative value for Annual CO2 Quantity was entered. A negative annual CO2 quantity may not be entered in this field. Please correct this error and resubmit. |
MM0077 | MM | Data Quality | 0 was entered for the Annual CO2 Quantity. This form must not be submitted for products where the annual product quantity is zero. If the annual product quantity for the above product(s) was not zero, then you must make the appropriate corrections and resubmit. |
MM0078 | MM | Data Completeness | Select "Yes" or "No" for whether Calculation Method 2 was used for this product. This data element is required. |
MM0079 | MM | Data Quality | Select "Yes" or "No" for whether Calculation Method 2 was used for this product. |
MM0080 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the number of samples collected for use in Calculation Methodology 2. This data element is required. |
MM0082 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter sampling standard method used for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required. |
MM0084 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the carbon share test results (mass %) for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required. |
MM0086 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter standard method used to test carbon share for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required. |
MM0088 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter CO2 emission factor for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required. |
MM0091 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter unit of measure for the emission factor for Calculation Method 2: metric tons CO2 per barrel (MT CO2/BBL), or metric tons CO2 per metric ton (MT CO2/MT) of product. This data element is required. |
MM0093 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the density test results in units of metric tons per barrel for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required. |
MM0095 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the standard method used to test density for Calculation Method 2. This data element is required. |
MM0098 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter a value for the Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products - Refinery. This data element is required. |
MM0099 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter a value for the Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products - Importer. This data element is required if your are an importer/exporter. You should enter zero if you have not imported. |
MM0100 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter a value for the Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products - Exporter. This data element is required if your are an importer/exporter. You should enter zero if you have not exported. |
MM0105 | MM | Data Completeness | Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing. This data element is required. |
MM0107 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the units for the Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids. This data element is required. |
MM0109 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the amount of Time that Missing Data Procedures Were Used (hours) for the volume of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids received. This data element is required. |
MM0111 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter quantity of crude oil (in barrels) injected into a crude oil supply or reservoir. This data element is required. |
MM0113 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the amount of Time that Missing Data Procedures Were Used (hours) for Crude Volume. This data element is required. |
MM0114 | MM | Data Completeness | The amount of time that missing data procedures were used to determine the volume of crude oil injected into supply/reservoir can not exceed 8784 hours. |
MM0116 | MM | Data Completeness | Select whether the product is entering the facility or leaving the facility. This data element is required. |
MM0119 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the Blended Product Name. This data element is required. |
MM0120 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter a unique identifier for the blended product(s). This data element is required. |
MM0121 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter annual CO2 emissions in metric tons (MT) that would result from complete combustion or oxidation of the blended product(s). This data element is required. |
MM0123 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the standard method or industry standard practice used for the quantity of blended product(s). This data element is required. |
MM0125 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the time (hours) for which missing data procedures were used to determine the quantity of blended product(s). This data element is required. |
MM0127 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the total number of blending components for product(s). This data element is required. |
MM0129 | MM | Data Completeness | A unique identifier was not provided for one or more components of blended products. Select a unique identifier for each component of each blended product. Each ID for a component of a blended product must match a blended product ID from the Blended Products table. |
MM0132 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter a unique identifier for each blending component, numbered sequentially. This data element is required. |
MM0133 | MM | Data Quality | Total Number of Blending Components. The total number of blending components reported in Table 1 on the "Blended Products" tab for this Blended Product ID is not consistent with the total number of blended product components reported in Table 2 on the "Blended Products" tab for the same Blended Product ID. You must correct this before continuing. |
MM0134 | MM | Data Completeness | The Blending Component Name Code is missing for one or more components in the Components of Blended Products Table. This data element is required. |
MM0136 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the blending component quantity units. This data element is required. |
MM0138 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the quantity of the blending component in units specified. This data element is required. |
MM0143 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter a unique identifier for the batch. This data element is required. |
MM0145 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter volume of crude batch received, in barrels. This data element is required. |
MM0147 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter time (hours) for which missing data procedures were used to estimate the crude volume. This data element is required. |
MM0149 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the volume weighted average API gravity of the crude batch. This data element is required. |
MM0151 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter time (hours) for which missing data procedures were used to estimate the API Gravity for the crude batch. This data element is required. |
MM0153 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the volume weighted average sulfur content (weight percent) of the crude batch. This data element is required. |
MM0155 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter time (hours) for which missing data procedures were used to estimate the sulfur content of the crude batch. This data element is required. |
MM0157 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter crude stream name if known. If not known, enter \'NA\'. This data element is required. |
MM0158 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter EIA crude stream code. If not known or no appropriate EIA crude stream code exists, enter \'NA\'. This data element is required. |
MM0160 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the 2 character EIA country code for foreign crude oil. Enter only if \'NA\' was entered for EIA crude stream code and source of crude is foreign. If the crude is produced domestically or no appropriate EIA country code exists, enter \'NA\'. This data element is required. |
MM0162 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter the EIA State/Production Area Code. Enter only if NA was entered for EIA crude stream code and source of crude is domestic. If the crude is foreign or no appropriate EIA State/Production Area Code exists, enter NA. This data element is required. |
MM0164 | MM | Data Completeness | Enter country of origin. Enter only if \'NA\' was entered for EIA crude stream code, EIA county code, and EIA state/ production area code. If the country of origin is not known, enter \'NA\'. This data element is required. |
MM0165 | MM | Screen Error | The FacilityDataDetails node is required. The submitted XML omits this node. |
MM0166 | MM | Screen Error | The AggregateProductsDetails node is required. The submitted XML omits this node. |
MM0167 | MM | Screen Error | The TotalCarbonDioxideQuantityDetails node is required. The submitted XML omits this node. |
MM0182 | MM | Data Completeness | You have indicated that you are reporting optional procedures for blended products however you have left the Blended Products table blank. If you are reporting optional procedures for blended products you must complete both the Blended Products table and the Blending Components table. |
MM0183 | MM | Data Completeness | You have indicated that you are reporting optional procedures for blended products however you have left the Blending Components table blank. If you are reporting optional procedures for blended products you must complete both the Blended Products table and the Blending Components table. |
MM0185 | MM | Screen Error | Multiple entries of the same product and measurement method were reported as either entering or leaving the facility in the measurement methods reporting section. Facilities are limited to reporting a product code and measurement method combination twice, once for entering and once for leaving. This mistake must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0186 | MM | Data Completeness | Quantity of Crude Oil Entering the Refinery (barrels). This data element is required. |
MM0189 | MM | Screen Error | Information was reported on product measurements by measurement method in the xml report. This information is no longer required by subpart MM and only aggregate information on each product should be reported. This information must be removed prior to e-GGRT accepting the submittal. |
MM0190 | MM | Screen Error | Information was reported on crude oil batches in the xml report. This information is no longer required by subpart MM and only aggregate crude oil information should be reported. This information must be removed prior to e-GGRT accepting the submittal. |
MM0191 | MM | Data Quality | Percent Petroleum Based. It appears that the value you entered in the reporting form is not being processed as a percent. If you are using an Older MM reporting form (created before 10/19/2016), you will need to add a percent sign after the value entered for it to be interpreted as a percent. |
MM0192 | MM | Data Quality | Carbon Share (mass %). It appears that the value you entered in the reporting form is not being processed as a percent. If you are using an Older MM reporting form (created before 10/19/2016), you will need to add a percent sign after the value entered for it to be interpreted as a percent. |
MM0193 | MM | Data Quality | Number of Samples. The number of samples reported on the "Aggregate Products" tab must be greater than zero because you have indicated that Calculation Method 2 was used for this product. You must correct the current value before continuing. |
MM0197 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell C20. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0198 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell C21. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0199 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Crude Oil Entering the Refinery (barrels)", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell D20. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0200 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Crude Oil Entering the Refinery (barrels)", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell D21. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0201 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell E20. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0202 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell E21. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0203 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Units of Measure", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell F20. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0204 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Units of Measure", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell F21. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0205 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Crude Oil Injected into Supply/Reservoir, barrels", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell G20. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0206 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Crude Oil Injected into Supply/Reservoir, barrels", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Refinery row in cell G21. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Refinery\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0207 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Sum of CO2 Quantity for All Products", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Importer/Exporter row in cell C19. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0208 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Crude Oil Entering the Refinery (barrels)", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Importer/Exporter row in cell D19. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0209 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Importer/Exporter row in cell E19. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0210 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Units of Measure", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Importer/Exporter row in cell F19. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0211 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Crude Oil Injected into Supply/Reservoir, barrels", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form, on a non-Importer/Exporter row in cell G19. A facility should only report emissions in that table from one Reporter Type, consistent with the Reporter Type selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0212 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Crude Oil Entering the Refinery (barrels)", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell D20. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0213 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Crude Oil Entering the Refinery (barrels)", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell D21. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0214 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell E20. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0215 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Received for Processing", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell E21. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0216 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Units of Measure", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell F20. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0217 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Quantity of Bulk Natural Gas Liquids Units of Measure", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell F21. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0218 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Crude Oil Injected into Supply/Reservoir, barrels", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell G20. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM0219 | MM | Data Completeness | A value was entered for "Crude Oil Injected into Supply/Reservoir, barrels", on the "Total CO2 & Other Info" tab of your subpart MM reporting form in cell G21. This value should only be reportered when the Reporter Type is "Refinery" as selected on the "Facility Details" tab (this facility selected \'Importer / Exporter\'). This must be corrected prior to submittal. |
MM1000 | MM | Data Completeness | You have selected Subpart MM for reporting, but you have not yet uploaded a reporting form file. |