This topic provides a step-by-step description of how to enter subpart D Electricity Generation unit information for this facility.
Click image to expand
Starting on the Subpart D Overview screen, click the link titled "ADD a Unit, Stack, or Pipe or Group" below the SOURCE SUMMARY table.
Click image to expand
For each unit at your facility, subpart D requires the following information:
- A unique unit or stack name or identifier (e.g., a unit ID number) as reported under 75.64 [98.36(d)(1)(i)]
- An optional unit or stack description or label [optional]
- The Part 75 methodology used to determine the CO2 mass emissions [98.36(d)(1)(v)]
- Appendix G, Equation G-1
- Appendix G, Equation G-4
- Low Mass Emissions (LME) (§75.19(c)(4)(iii))
- The methodology start date and end date [98.36(d)(1)(vi)-(vii)]
- An indication of participation in the Acid Rain Program [98.36(d)(1)(viii)]
- Nameplate generating capacity, in MW
- The prime mover technology, from the following list:
- Boiler with Steam Turbine
- Combined Cycle
- Combustion Turbine (Single Cycle)
- Fuel Cell
- Geothermal Steam Turbine
- Hydraulic Turbine
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Microturbine
- Photovoltaic
- Reciprocating Engine
- Steam Turbine
- Stirling Engine
- Wind Turbine
- Other
- The type of thermal energy generation, from the following list::
- Cogeneration Topping Cycle
- Cogeneration Bottoming Cycle
- Bigeneration
- Not Applicable (unit does not generate thermal energy)
- Gross generation, in MWh
- Net generation, in MWh
- For cogeneration or bigeneration, the total gross thermal output, in mmBtu
- Other steam used for the acid rain program EGU, in mmBtu
- Any supplemental firing fuel, if applicable
- Annual mass or volume of supplemental fuel combusted, if applicable
- Additional information
Use the text boxes, drop-down menu and, radio buttons to enter the required information.
When finished, click SAVE.
Once you have entered the required unit information for all units at your facility, you will have finished entering the required unit information for your facility.
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Screen Errors
Using e-GGRT to Prepare Your Subpart D Report
Subpart D Unit Emissions Information
Subpart D Fuel Information
Subpart D Fuel Emissions Information
Subpart Validation Report