This page provides an overview of subtopics that are central to Subpart D Electricity Generation reporting:
- #Unit Information
- #Unit Emissions Information
- #Fuel Information
- #Fuel Emissions Information
- #Subpart Validation Report
The end of the page contains links you can use for more information on these topics.
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Unit Information
For each unit at your facility, subpart D requires the following information:
- A unique unit or stack name or identifier (e.g., a unit ID number) as reported under 75.64 [98.36(d)(1)(i)]
- An optional unit or stack description or label [optional]
- The Part 75 methodology used to determine the CO2 mass emissions [98.36(d)(1)(v)]
- Appendix G, Equation G-1
- Appendix G, Equation G-4
- Low Mass Emissions (LME) (§75.19(c)(4)(iii))
- The methodology start date and end date [98.36(d)(1)(vi)-(vii)]
- An indication of participation in the Acid Rain Program [98.36(d)(1)(viii)]
- Nameplate generating capacity, in MW
- The prime mover technology, from the following list:
- Boiler with Steam Turbine
- Combined Cycle
- Combustion Turbine (Single Cycle)
- Fuel Cell
- Geothermal Steam Turbine
- Hydraulic Turbine
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Microturbine
- Photovoltaic
- Reciprocating Engine
- Steam Turbine
- Stirling Engine
- Wind Turbine
- Other
- The type of thermal energy generation, from the following list::
- Cogeneration Topping Cycle
- Cogeneration Bottoming Cycle
- Bigeneration
- Not Applicable (unit does not generate thermal energy)
- Gross generation, in MWh
- Net generation, in MWh
- For cogeneration or bigeneration, the total gross thermal output, in mmBtu
- Other steam used for the acid rain program EGU, in mmBtu
- Any supplemental firing fuel, if applicable
- Annual mass or volume of supplemental fuel combusted, if applicable
- Additional information
Use the text boxes, drop-down menu and, radio buttons to enter the required information.
Unit Emissions Information
For each unit, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following aggregated fuel emissions data:
- The total annual CO2 emissions, including biomass, at the monitored location in short tons (as reported under part 75) [98.36(d)(1)(ii)]
- The total annual CO2 emissions, for fossil fuels only, at the monitored location in metric tons (conversion from the short ton value reported under part 75) [98.36(d)(1)(ii)]
- The total annual biogenic CO2 emissions. This includes both CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass fuels and the biogenic portion of CO2 emissions from fuels with a mixed biogenic and fossil component [98.36(d)(1)(ix)]
- Report zero for this value if the facility elects to use the option specified in 98.3(c)(12) for the 2010 reporting year (where the facility chooses not to separately report biogenic emissions from part 75 units)
For each unit for which the facility selects "CEMS" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following additional information [98.3(c)(8)]:
- The total number of operating hours during the year that CO2 concentration was missing
- The total number of operating hours during the year that stack gas flow rate was missing
- The total number of operating hours during the year that moisture content was missing (only if a continuous moisture monitor was in use)
For each unit for which the facility selects "Appendix G, Equation G-4" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following additional information [98.3(c)(8)]:
- The total number of operating hours during the year that fuel flow rate was missing
- The total number of operating hours during the year that high heating value was missing
For each unit for which the facility selects "Appendix G, Equation G-1" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, subpart D requires the facility to provide the following additional information [98.3(c)(8)]:
- The total number of operating hours during the year that fuel carbon content was missing
For each unit for which the facility selects "LME calculation methods in 40 CFR 75 19" as the Part 75 methodology used to determine CO2 mass emissions, provide the following additional information:
- The total number of operating hours during the year that fuel flow rate was missing
- The total number of operating hours during the reporting year that oil density was missing
- The total number of operating hours during the reporting year that high heating value was missing
Fuel Information
For each unit, subpart D requires the facility to name each type of fuel combusted in the configuration during the reporting year (for Table C-2 fuels only) [98.36(d)(1)(iii)].
Fuel Emissions Information
Subpart Validation Report
You can use the Validation Report to ensure the completeness and quality of your reporting data.You should use the Validation Report to check your work. The Validation Report performs two types of checks:
- Data Completeness: Data that are required for reporting is missing or incomplete.
- Data Quality: Data are outside of the expected range of values.
You may view the Validation Report at any time.
Note that the Validation Report is intended to assist users in entering data, but it is not an indication that the reporter has entered all necessary information, nor is it an indication that the reporter is in compliance with 40 CFR Part 98. Furthermore a negative finding on the validation report is not a guarantee that a data element was entered incorrectly.
See Also
Screen Errors
Subpart D Unit Information
Subpart D Unit Emissions Information
Subpart D Fuel Information
Subpart D Fuel Emissions Information
Subpart Validation Report