Enhanced Oil Recovery Hydrocarbon Liquids

This page provides an overview of the Subpart W reporting requirements for the enhanced oil recovery hydrocarbon liquids dissolved CO2 source type.

Please see Reporting Form Instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.
You may also refer to Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions to download the Subpart W calculation spreadsheet.

The enhanced oil recovery hydrocarbon liquids dissolved CO2 source type is applicable to Onshore petroleum and natural gas production facilities [98.230(a)(2)].

Indicate if the facility has the source type via the radio buttons.

If the source type is present you must report required elements.

If the facility has the source type, then indicate whether missing data procedures were used.

Reporting Requirements

For each sub-basin, the facility must report:

  • Sub-basin ID - the pick list for this data element is populated based on the (aa)(1) Onshore Production tab of the Smart Form. Be sure a valid Sub-basin ID is used.
  • Volume of hydrocarbon produced (barrels per year) (98.236(x)(2))
  • Amount of CO2 retained in hydrocarbon liquids downstream of the storage tank (mt CO2 per barrel) (98.236(x)(3))
  • Annual CO2 emissions retained (mt CO2) (98.236(x)(4))

Table X.1 EOR hydrocarbon liquids produced and emissions


Table X.2 Missing data procedures used for EOR hydrocarbon liquids dissolved CO2 calculations is required for the identification of missing data procedures used for emission calculations for this source type.

  • Sub-Basin ID 
  • Parameters 

  • Measurement Frequency
  • Number of quarters missing data procedures were used [98.236(bb)(1)] (required only if the measurement frequency was quarterly)

  • Total number of hours in the year missing data procedure was used [98.3(c)(8)], [98.236(bb)(2)] (required unless the measurement frequency was quarterly, annually, biannually, or N/A)
  • Procedures used to determine missing data [98.235(h)]

Table X.2 Missing data procedures used for EOR hydrocarbon liquids dissolved CO2 calculations

Total Emissions

The total emissions roll-up at the top of the sheet reflects the sum of each gas emission reported for the source type. These summations are calculated automatically by the Smart Form and tabulated on the Introduction tab.

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