A359.  If the landfill receives only incinerator ash waste, you would not be subject to subpart HH because ash does not generate methane. If you receive some incinerator ash, which is considered inert, the DOC and k values used in Equation HH-1 would both be zero, resulting in methane generation result of zero.

E-GGRT is not collecting quantities of waste, as this is deferred. EPA has proposed to defer the reporting deadline for inputs to emission equations (75 FR 81350, available at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010-32447.pdf (PDF) (15 pp, 154K, About PDF)) until March 31, 2014; e-GGRT currently reflects this proposal (i.e., does not collect inputs to emission equations) and will be updated to reflect the final rule.

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Source: This question and answer was derived from a Legacy FAQ

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1

Expiration : None

Relevant Subparts:  Subpart HH

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History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2021.R.02)