Reciprocating Compressors

Please see Reporting Form Instructions instructions on downloading the blank reporting form and uploading the completed reporting form.
You may also refer to Optional Calculation Spreadsheet Instructions to download the Subpart W calculation spreadsheet.

This page provides an overview of the Subpart W reciprocating compressors source category e-GGRT reporting requirements.

The reciprocating compressors source category is applicable to Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production, Onshore Natural Gas Processing, Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Compression, Underground Natural Gas Storage, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Storage, and LNG Import and Export Equipment.

Indicate if the facility has the source type via the radio buttons.
  • If the source type is present you must report required emissions. 

If the facility has the source type, the Best Available Monitoring Methods and Missing Data table must be completed.
Reciprocating Compressor Reporting (Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production)

The reporting requirements for Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production differ from the rest of the industry segments for this source type. For Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production, only the following two emission values are required to be reported:

  • The total annual CO2 emissions from all compressors combined, in metric tons CO2 [98.236(c)(14)(v)(B)]
  • The total annual CH4 emissions from all compressors combined, in metric tons CO2e [98.236(c)(14)(v)(B)]
Reciprocating Compressor Reporting (Onshore Natural Gas Processing, Onshore Natural Gas Transmission Compression, Underground Natural Gas Storage, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Storage, and LNG Import and Export Equipment)

All applicable industry segments other than Onshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production must report emissions individually for each reciprocating compressor.

For each compressor, emissions will be reported by mode of operation. Three modes of operation that require emission monitoring are the operating mode, standby, pressurized mode, and the not operating, depressurized mode. Emissions from each mode of operation must be reported if the compressor was ever in that mode at anytime during the year.

For each emission source, there are separate reporting fields for if the emission source was measured during the year or if the emission source was not measured and a default emission factor was applied. If one or more sources for a compressor were measured during the year, the emissions should be filled in for the respective measured fields. For any sources that emissions were not directly measured, the not measured field should be reported in place of the measured fields. If BAMM was used and no emission sources were measured, the compressor specific BAMM field should be reported as “yes”, and only the not measured emission fields should be reported. If BAMM was not used in place of direct measurement of at least one mode, then “no” should be entered for the BAMM field. In no occurrence should the measured and not measured fields both be populated for a given compressor and source type.

The exact reporting requirements are described below:

Unknown macro: {center} Operating Mode
(required if compressor was ever in that operating
mode at any time during the year)
Unknown macro: {center}

Required Data Elements

All Compressors

  • Compressor ID
  • Were BAMM Used for This Compressor? (Yes or No)
  • Total annual CO2 emissions from all modes of operation combined in metric tons CO2 (98.236(c)(14)(iv))
  • Total annual CH4 emissions from all modes of operation combined in metric tons CO2e (98.236(c)(14)(iv))
  • Total annual N2O emissions from all modes of operation combined(mt CO2e) (98.236(c))

Operating Mode

  • Annual throughput using an engineering calculation based on best available data (98.236(c)(14)(i)(A))
  • Were blowdown vents manifolded to rod packing vents for this compressor? (98.236(c)(14)(ii))
  • Measured OR Not Measured Rod packing CO2emissions when in operating mode (98.236(c)(14)(i)(C))
  • Measured OR Not Measured Rod packing CH4emissions when in operating mode (98.236(c)(14)(i)(C))
  • Measured OR Not Measured Blowdown vent CO2emissions when in operating mode (98.236(c)(14)(ii)(c))
  • Measured OR Not Measured Blowdown vent CH4emissions when in operating mode (98.236(c)(14)(ii)(c))

Standby, Pressurized Mode

  • Measured OR Not Measured Blowdown vent CO2emissions when in standby pressurized mode (98.236(c)(14)(ii)(c))
  • Measured OR Not Measured Blowdown vent CH4emissions when in standby pressurized mode (98.236(c)(14)(ii)(c))

Not Operating, Depressurized Mode

  • Measured OR Not Measured isolation valve leakage CO2emissions in not operating, depressurized mode (98.236(c)(14)(iii)(C))
  • Measured OR Not Measured isolation valve leakage CH4emissions in not operating, depressurized mode (98.236(c)(14)(iii)(C))

For Reciprocating Compressors Venting Emissions to FLARES 

  • Did this compressor vent emissions to a flare? (98.236(c))
  • Total annual CO2 emissions from flaring for all modes of operation combined (mt CO2) (98.236(c))
  • Total annual CH4 emissions from flaring for all modes of operation combined (mt CO2e) (98.236(c))
  • Total annual N2O emissions from flaring for all modes of operation combined (mt CO2e) (98.236(c))
Total Emissions

The total emissions roll-up at the top of the sheet reflects the sum of the CO2 equivalents of each gas emission reported for the source type.  These summations are reflected and aggregated on the Introduction tab.

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