Q759. My facility does not have a physical street address thus, a latitude and longitude is reported as the address on the Certificate of Representation (COR). If the facility's operations have moved do I need to update the facility’s latitude and longitude on the COR?
A759. If the facility’s operations have moved or the borders of the facility have changed so that the latitude and longitude previously submitted no longer represent the center of facility operations, you may need to update your COR to provide a revised latitude and longitude. If the originally reported latitude and longitude is still within the boundaries of the facility, no change is needed. However, if the facility’s new location no longer includes the latitude and longitude coordinates previously submitted, you should update your COR and provide the latitude and longitude of the new center of operations in the latitude and longitude fields and re-submit your COR to EPA.
See FAQ 758 for instructions to re-submit your COR and instructions for determining the proper latitude and longitude to report.
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