The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) requires reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) data and other relevant information from large sources and suppliers in the United States. The GHGRP required certain industries to monitor and report data on their activities beginning in 2010. Other industries were required to begin collecting data during 2011.
There are three types of reporters under the GHGRP: direct emitters, suppliers and facilities that inject CO2 underground. Direct emitters are entities that emit GHGs directly from their facilities as a result of combustion or processing onsite. Suppliers are facilities or entities that supply certain products (e.g., fossil fuels or certain industrial gases) into the economy that, when combusted, released, or oxidized, result in GHG emissions. The emissions do not take place at the suppliers' reporting location. CO2 injection facilities report the quantity of CO2 received for injection, including for use in enhanced oil and gas recovery.
Under the GHGRP, direct emitters, suppliers and facilities that inject CO2 underground are categorized by specific industry types, or source categories. The tables below outline the industrial sectors, source categories, and Part 98 (Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule) subparts for all direct emitters, suppliers and CO2 injection facilities that are required to report under the GHGRP. The tables also include the first year the source category was required to report data and the various thresholds above which reporting is required. Additional information from each sector, including the total number of reporters and total emissions, are available here: