Q166.The quantity of petroleum product that I import is determined by a third party gauger who is approved by Customs & Border Protection (CBP). How should I comply with the quantity determination requirements in §98.393(a)?


A166. If the third party gauger uses a standard method published by a consensus-based organization to determine quantity, then you should report that method. If a CBP-approved third party gauger concludes that an appropriate consensus-based standard does not exist and uses an industry standard practice to determine quantity, then EPA will defer to the CBP-approved gauger's judgment that no existing consensus-based standard is appropriate for the situation. In such a case, you may report the industry standard practice that the inspector followed.


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Source: This question and answer was derived from a Legacy FAQ

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1

Expiration : None

Relevant Subparts: Subpart MM

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

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