Q807. My facility is not required to report for RY 2014. Am I still required to report inputs to emissions equations that were deferred from reporting until 2015 for previous reporting years?

A807. Facilities that have ceased reporting to the EPA either due to operations closing or meeting the off-ramp criteria in 98.2(h) are still required to report deferred data elements for the years in which they were required to submit annual reports to the EPA. For example, if a facility submitted a report for RYs 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, they are required to submit deferred data elements for these years.


Updated on

Unknown macro: {show-to}

Source: Alexis McKittrick, 12/11/2014

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1, minor correction 12/16/14, archived 2/17/2018

Expiration: None

Relevant Subpart/Component: General

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