Q393. Will the e-GGRT XML reporting schema be made available as a single XSD file instead of a number of small files?


A393. The EPA publishes a set of XSD files that show the GHG XML schema for preparing XML submissions. The XSD files define what elements and attributes may appear in an XML submission, defines how the data elements are related, and show the hierarchical structure and sequence in which the data elements must appear in the XML file. The EPA publishes separate XSD files for each subpart. Organization of the schema by subpart allows users to focus on the XSDs applicable to their facility or supplier. The full set of XSD files are compiled in a single archive (zip) file that can be downloaded at https://www.ccdsupport.com/confluence/display/help/XML+Reporting+Instructions.


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Source: Overview and FAQs on XML Reporting document, and updated by M Huppert

Approval / Publishing History: Version 2, approved by L. Grogan-McCulloch, 2/14/2013, Version 3 per K. Chiu 2/27/18

Expiration: none

Relevant Subparts: All subparts

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

This web site is maintained by a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (RY2021.R.02)