Q720. How does EPA group the source categories that report GHG data into sectors in FLIGHT?


A720. The GHGRP requires reporting of GHG data from 41 individual source categories. Each source category has its own reporting requirements. Six of these source categories require reporting by suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases. Two source categories cover facilities that inject CO2 underground. Emissions from the other 33 categories are distributed to 9 sectors for FLIGHT. For example, emissions from iron and steel production, lead production and magnesium production are grouped into the metals sector. A complete list of all source categories covered by the GHGRP and the sector those source are included in FLIGHT is available here: http://www.ccdsupport.com/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=93290546.


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Source: L. Grogan-McCulloch, 1/22/2013

Approval / Publishing History: Version 2, Revised per B Cook 4/28/2016

Expiration: none

Relevant Subpart/Component: GHG Data and Publication

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

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