Q351. Have any of the equations been revised, or have any new equations been added since Subpart HH was finalized in 2009?
A351. On October 28, 2010 EPA published a Final Rule that contained technical corrections to Subpart HH, along with several other subparts. In this Final Rule, corrections and/or adjustments were made to several of the equations including Equations HH-1, HH-2, HH-3 and HH-4. On May 26, 2011 additional updates were made to Subpart HH with regard to confidentiality determinations for data required under the reporting rule. You may view the October 28, 2010 Final Rule at http://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting/reporters/notices/corrections.html.
Lastly, on November 29, 2013, EPA published a Final Rule that contained some revisions to Equations HH-6, HH-7, and HH-8 to account for situations where a landfill has multiple measurement locations and/or multiple destruction devices associated with the landfill gas collection system. You may view the November 29, 2013 Final Rule at http://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting/reporters/notices/corrections.html.
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