A625. An onshore production facility is defined in 40 CFR 98.238 and will report only those emissions from the emissions sources listed in 40 CFR 98.232. The onshore production facility has a single designated representative and does not include other industry segments or other source categories in its annual GHG report. Similarly, if a facility meets the definition for natural gas distribution that facility reports only what’s listed in 98.232(i) . All other industry segments under subpart W use the definition of facility in subpart A and report emissions in a single annual GHG report. Each facility must have one and only one designated representative. But, the same DR could represent multiple facilities. Other than onshore production and natural gas distribution, it is possible for a single facility to report under multiple industry segments. Please see requirements in 98.231(a) and response to comment EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0923-1024-14 in the EPA’s final Response to Public Comments Document for subpart W.


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Source: EPA, Frequently Asked Questions, Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems, July 2011, http://www.epa.gov/ghgreporting/documents/pdf/2011/documents/Subpart-W-additional-faq.pdf.

Approval / Publishing History: Version 1

Expiration : none

Relevant Subpart: W

History Panel For Internal Use - Not Visible to the Public

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